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ELEGIA. 1. Quod pro gigantomachia amores scribere sit coactus.
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ELEGIA. 1. Quod pro gigantomachia amores scribere sit coactus.

I Ouid Poet of thy wantonnesse,
Borne at Peligny to write more addresse.
So Cupid wills, farre hence be the seuere,
You are vnapt my looser lines to heare.
Let Maydes whom hot desire to husbands leade,
And rude boyes toucht with vnknowne loue me reade.
That some youth hurt as I am with loues bow,
His owne flames best acquainted signes may know.
And long admiring say by what meanes learn'd,
Hath this same Poet my sad chaunce discern'd?
I durst the great celestiall battels tell,
Hundred-hand Gyges, and had done it well.
With earths reuenge and how Olimpus toppe,
High Ossa bore mount Peli[illeg.] vp to proppe,
Ioue and Ioues thunder-bolts I had in hand,
Which for his heauen fell on the Gyants band.
My wench her dore shut, loues affares I left,
Euen Ioue himselfe out off my wit was reft.
Pardon me Ioue, thy weapons ayde me nought,
Her shut gates greater lightning then thine brought.
Toyes, and light Elegies my darts I tooke,
Quickly soft words hard dores wide open strooke,
Verses reduce the horned bloudy moone,
And call the sunnes white horses black at noone.

Snakes leape by verse from caues of broken mountaines,
And turned streames run backe-ward to their fountaines,
Verses ope doores, and lockes put in the poast
Although of Oke, to yeeld ro verses boast;
What helpes it me of fierce Achill to sing?
VVhat good to me wil eyther Aiax bring?
Or he who war'd and wandred twenty yeare?
Or woful Hector whom wild iades did teare?
But when I prayse a pretty wenches face
She in requital doth me oft imbrace.
A great reward: Heroes oh famous names
Farewel, your fauour nought my minde inflames.
VVenches apply your faire lookes to my verse,
VVhich golden loue doth vnto me rehearse.