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Honoured with Pastorall Sonnets, Elegies, and amorous delights. VVhere-vnto is annexed, the tragicall complaynt of Elstred [by Thomas Lodge]

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Sonnet XIIII.

I wroat in Mirrhaes barcke, and as I wroate,
Poore Mirrha wept because I wroat forsaken:
T'was of thy pride I soong in weeping noate,
When as hir leaues great moane for pittie maken.
The falling fountaines from the mountaines falling,
Cride out ah-las, so faire and bee so cruel;
And Babling Echo neuer ceased callinge,
Phillis disdaine is fitte for none but truthlesse.
The rising pines wherein I had engraued,
Thy memorie consulting with the winde:
Are trucemen to thy heart, and thoughts depraued,
And say thy kind should not bee so vnkinde.
But (out ah-las) so fell is Phillis pheerlesse,
That she hath made hir Damon welnie tearlesse.