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A newe Treatyse deuyded in thre [arties
[The fyrst parte is to know, & haue ī mynde]
Here begyn̄eth a newe Treatyse deuyded in thre parties.
Here begynneth the fyrste parte of this boke/that speaketh of mannes wretchednes.
Here begynneth the seconde parte of this boke/that speaketh of the worlde.
Here begynneth the thyrde parte of this boke/that speaketh of death.
Of thre maners of death.
Howe a mannes soule is deade throughe synne.
Howe in hell is death without ende.
What maner thynge is death.
Men dredeth death for foure thynges.
Of the fyrste encheason why men dredeth death.
The .ij. encheasō why mē dredeth death.
Of the thyrde encheason why men dredeth death.
Of the fourth encheason why men dredeth death.
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A newe Treatyse deuyded in thre [arties
Homo natus de muliere breui viuens tempore.
He sayeth, man that is borne of a woman
Lyueth here lytell tyme, and soone is tan
And euery man is borne to nothynge elles
But to trauayle and sorowe, as the boke telles.
A newe Treatyse deuyded in thre [arties