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Veritie purtraied by the French Pilgrime.

From Seate supernall of cœlestiall Icue
Descended Truth, deuoid of worldlie weed;
And with the brightnesse of her beames she stroue
Gainst Sathan, Sinne, & Adams fleshlie Seed;
Reproouing wrongs, bewailing worldlings need;
Who thinke they swim in wealth (blinded by guile):
Yet wanting Truth; are wretched, poore & vile.
The World reproou'd; in rage attempts hirwracke,
Sathan assists, malicious Men deuise
Torments for Truth, binde scourges at hir backe,
Exclaime against hir with blasphemous cries;
Condemning hir, exalting earthlie lies:
Yet no despite or paine can cause hir cease;
She wounded, springs; bedeckt with crowne of Peace.