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The Musyque of the beautie of his Mistresse Diana. Composed by John Soowthern ... and dedicated to the right Honorable, Edward Deuer, Earle of Oxenford, &c

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Sonnet. 4.

[When nature made my Diana, that before]

When nature made my Diana, that before
All other Nymphes: showld force the hearts reveliant:
She gaue her the masse, of beauties excellent,
That she keepe since long, in her coffers in store.
And at her framing, Paphæ came fro the skies,
With the sweetnes, and graces, of Erycêene:
And swore that it should make her so fayre a Queene,
Of beautie: that the Gods should dwell in her eyes.
But she hardlie was come to vs, fro aboue:
Though? but my soule was inflamed with her loue.
And I serue her in spite of the troupe Celêst.
For tell mee? why did not they lykewise ordaine:
That in reward of my loue, she shewd againe,
Esteeme me onely, and onely, loue me best.