University of Virginia Library

An enuious Knaue.

Thou that vpon my picture here dost looke,
I grieue thou hast a groate to buy this Booke:
If any Iest be here to make thee smile,
I raging raue, with fury all the while.
I hate the Printer if he haue done well,
And Stationer, that doth these humours sell:
In briefe, I am in loue with none aliue:
And might I haue my wishes, none should thriue.
On others miseries and woes, I feede,
I neuer smile but at some wicked deede.
Losses on Land, and casualties at Seas,
My recreation doth consist in these:
I can show passion with an outward voyce
For villanies, which make my heart reioyce:
I feede on euils, they are my nutriment;
My neighbours welfare is my discontent,
At that I pine, in a consumption still:
I would haue no man prosper by my will:
My carkasse leane, dry, wither'd, pale and wanne,
A very Diuell in the shape of Man.