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The kalender of shepherdes

the edition of Paris 1503 in photographic facsimile: a faithful reprint of R. Pynson's edition of London 1506. Edited with a critical introduction and glossary by H. Oskar Sommer

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The gouernaunce of helthe.

Who wyll be hole and kepe hymselfe from sekenesse
And resyste the stroke of pestylence
Lete hym be glad and/ voyde all heuynes
Fle wycked ayres/ eschewe the presence
Of infect places/ causynge the vyolence
Drynke good wynes/ of holsome metes take
Smell swete thynges/ and for thy defence
Walke in clene ayre/ and eschewe the mystes blake
With voyde stomake/ outwarde the not dresse
Rysynge vp erly with fyre haue a sustence
Delyte in gardyns for the grete swetenes
To be well cladde do thy dylygence
Kepe well thyselfe from inconuenyence
In stewes ne bathes/ no soiourne thou make
Openynge of the pores/this doth grese offence
Walke in clene ayre/ & eschewe mystes blake
Ete no rawe flesshe for no gredynes
And from fruyte kepe thyn abstynēce
Pullettes/ and chekyns for theyr tendrenes
Ete thou with sauce/ spare for none expence
Vergyus/ vyneyger/ and the influence
Of holsom spyces I dare vndertake
The morowe slepe/ called gylden in sentence
Gretely helpeth agaynst the mystes blake
For helthe of body/ couer for colde thyn heed
Ete no rawe metes/ take good hede here to.
Drynke holsom wyne/ fede the on lyght breed
With an appetyte ryse frome thy meet also.
With women aeged fleshly haue not to do
Vpon thy slepe drynke not of the cuppe


Gladde to warde bedde/ at morowe bothe two
And vse neuer late for to suppe
And yf it so be that leches do the fayle
Then take good hede to vse thynges thre
Temporate dyet/ temporate trauayle
Not malycyous for none aduersyte
Meke in trouble/ gladde in pouerte
Ryche with lytell/ content with suffysaunce
Neuer grutchynge/ mery lyke thy degree
If phesycke lacke/ make this thy gouernaunce
To euery tale soone gyue thou no credence
Be not to hasty/ ne sodaynly vengeable
To poore folke do thou no vyolence
Curteys of language/ of fedynge mesurable
On sundry meet not gredy at the table
In fedynge gentyll/ prudent in dalyaunce
Close of tonge/ of worde not deceyuable
To saye the best set alwaye thy pleasaunce
Haue in hate mouthes that ben double
Suffre at thy table no detraccyon
Haue dyspyte of folke that make trouble
Of false rauenoures and adulacyon
Within thy place suffre no deuysyon
Within thy housholde it shall cause encrease
Of all welfare/ prosperyte and foyson
With thy neyghboures lyue in rest and peas
Be clenly cladde after thyne estate
Passe not thy bondes/ kepe the promyse blyue
With thre folke be not at debate
Fyrst with thy better beware for to stryue
Agaynst thy felawe no quarell to contryue
With thy subget to stryue it were shame
Wherfore I counceyle pursue all thy lyue
To lyue in peas/ and gete the a good name


Fyre at morowe/ and towarde bedde at eue
Gaynst mystes blake/ and aye of pestylence
Betyme at masse thou shalte the better cheue
Fyrst at thy rysynge to do god reuerence
Vesyte the poore/ with entere dylygence
On all nedy haue compassyon
And god shall sende grace and influence
The to encrease and thy possessyon
Suffre no surfytes in thy house at nyght
Ware of rere soupers/ and of grete excesse
Of noddynge hedes/ and of candell lyght
Of slouth at morowe/ and slombyrynge ydlenes
Whiche of all vyce is chefe porteresse
Voyde all dronkenesse/ lyers/ and lechours
Of all vnthryfty exyle the maystresse
That is to saye dyseplayers and hasadours
After mete beware make not to longe slepe
Heed/ fote and stomacke preserue ay from colde
Be not to pensyf/ of thought take no kepe
After thy rent/ gouerne thy housholde
Suffre in tyme/ in thy ryght be bolde
Swere none othes/ no man to begyle
In youth be lusty/ sad whan thou arte olde
No worldy ioye lasteth but a whyle
Dyne not at morowe before thyn appetyte
Clere ayre and walkynge maketh good dygestyon
Betwene mele drynke not for no forwarde delyte
But thryst or trauayle gyue the occasyon
Ouer salte mete dooth grete oppressyon
To feble stomacke whan they can not refreyne
Fro thynge contrary to theyr complexyon
Of gredy handes the stomacke hath grete payne
Thus in two thynges stondeth all thy welthe
Of soule and body who lyst them sue


Moderate fode gyueth to man his helthe
And all surfyttes than he dooth escheue
And charyte to the soule is due
This receyte bought is of no potycary
Of mayster Anthony ne of mayster hue
To all indyfferent rychest dyetary