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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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I Trueth, am High-priest, in Gods Kingdom, alway/
In Mee, theternall Lyfe, is firme, without decaye.
That doth my true Father, work in Mee aright.
For in his mighty Kingdom, I am

Iohn. 1.a. [illeg.].b.

the perfect Light:

Also my Fathers

Ioh. 14.a.

Waye, like as tis written ryfe:

The right

Ioh. 15.a.

Uyne-stock, and the eternall Lyfe.

For without the Trueth, God cannot pleased bee.
Therfore the High-priests-office,

Hebr. 5. 6. 7. 8.

hath Hee resignd to Mee.

I am the Tree

Gen. 2.a. Pro. b. Ier. 7.b. Apo. [illeg.].a.

of Lyfe, out of Loue bloweing.

If Playne-and-iust do still, in Mee; remayne growing,
Then with him at all tymes, shall it go right-well.

Gen. 7.c.

Nations shall serue him, that vnder Heauen do dwell:

For him hath God loued, and likewyse elected:
But if he fall from Mee, he is lost and quyt reiected:
For I am the

Esa. [illeg.]8.d. 1. Cor. 3.b. Ephe. 2.d. 1. Pet. [illeg.].a.

Foundation, the right Grounde-stone.

Ther is not any other, but I myself alone,
Wheron all Understanding, must euermore be grounded.
Although ther be many Testimonyes, florishingly forth-sounded/
Yet do I counsaile Playne and-iust, with Mee to tary still.
Which if he doo, noman then, can him destroye or kill.