University of Virginia Library



On a bright and pleasant day,
John and James went out to play:
As they stopp'd a while to rest,
On a tree they spied a nest,
Pretty eggs were lying there,
Pretty eggs all placed with care.
“Come,” says Johnny, with a laugh,
“You and I will each take half.
And the rest we'll give to Ann.”
So towards the tree they ran.
Just then, upon a branch they heard
The fluttering of the mother-bird,
And a note that seem'd to say,
“Will you take my eggs away,


When I've made my nest with care,
And put them all so nicely there?
Oh! do not, pray, my nest destroy,
Have pity on me, little boy.
When you in the cradle lay,
No one took you far away,
Safe you were, and smil'd and smil'd,
A little bright and happy child.
And your mother lov'd you so,
Better than you e'er can know.
Then do not take my nest away,
Little boy, I beg and pray.”
John and James said not a word,
And their little hearts were stirr'd;
They wip'd their eyes and went to play,
And felt quite happy all that day.