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Nor to the narrow bounds
Of one short age alone
Shall poorly be confin'd
The gen'rous things which thou hast done,
To benefit mankind;
For, as thy fame resounds
To foreign climes;
So future times
The sweet rehearsal shall regale;
Those glorious deeds of thine
Tradition shall reveal,
And from their father's lips, in a long line,
Shall children's children hear the pleasing tale,
Meanwhile th' historic page,
In which Columbia's sons record
Her grievous suff'rings and her glad relief,
Shall make thee known to each succeeding age,
As the illustrious heav'n commission'd chief,


That wrought her rescue from the brutal rage
Of Britain's haughty lord:
Thy works of love those registers shall show,
And oft thy sentiments exalted flow
Thro' many a charming line;
While, like thy virtues eminent, thy name
Shall, with distinguish'd lustre shine
In those bright records of Columbia's fame.
Posterity shall read
The fair detail of each illustrious deed,
Crest for their ancestors perform'd by thee,
And while their hearts, inspir'd with awe,
Revere a man they never saw,
Love to thy mem'ry in their breasts shall glow,
With grateful ardor, when his name they see,
To whose sublime beneficence they owe
The bliss of being free.

Alluding to Gen. WASHINGTON's beautiful Letters, written on many occasions, during the war.