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Oh! not by bread alone is manhood nourished
To its supreme estate!
By every word of God have lived and flourished
The good men and the great.
Ay, not by bread alone!
“Oh! not by bread alone!” the sweet rose, breathing
In throbs of perfume, speaks;
“But myriad hands, in earth and air, are wreathing
The blushes for my cheeks.
Ay, not by bread alone!”
“Oh! not by bread alone!” proclaims in thunder
The old oak from his crest;
“But suns and storms upon me, and deep under,
The rocks in which I rest.
Ay, not by bread alone!”
“Oh! not by bread alone!” The truth flies singing
In voices of the birds;
And from a thousand pastured hills is ringing
The answer of the herds:
“Ay, not by bread alone!”


Oh! not by bread alone! for life and being
Are finely complex all,
And increment, with element agreeing,
Must feed them, or they fall.
Ay, not by bread alone!
Oh! not by love alone, though strongest, purest,
That ever swayed the heart;
For strongest passion evermore the surest
Defrauds each manly part.
Ay, not by love alone!
Oh! not by love alone is power engendered.
Until within the soul
The gift of every motive has been rendered,
It is not strong and whole.
Ay, not by love alone!
Oh! not by love alone is manhood nourished
To its supreme estate:
By every word of God have lived and flourished
The good men and the great.
Ay, not by love alone!