University of Virginia Library



Though for the soul a lovely Heaven awaits,
Through years of woe,
The Paradise with angels in its gates
Is Long Ago.
The heart's lost Home! Ah, thither winging ever
In silence, show
Vanishing faces!—but they vanish never
In Long Ago!
Ye toil'd through desert sands to reach To-morrow,
With footsteps slow,
Poor Yesterdays!—Immortal gleams ye borrow
In Long Ago.


The world is dark: backward our thoughts are yearning,
Our eyes o'erflow:
Sweet Memories, angels to our tears returning,
Leave Long Ago.
We climb: child-roses to our knees are climbing,
From valleys low;
To call us back, dear birds and brooks are rhyming
In Long Ago.
Hands clasp'd, tears shed, sad songs are sung!—the fair,
Beloved ones, lo!
Shine yonder, through the angel-gates of air,
In Long Ago!