University of Virginia Library


The Rocks and the Mountains.


The following poem is scored for music in the source text.

Oh, the rocks and the mountains shall all flee away,
And you shall have a new hiding-place that day.
Seeker, seeker, give up your heart to God,
And you shall have a new hiding-place that day.
Oh, the rocks and the mountains shall all flee away,
And you shall have a new hiding-place that day.
Doubter, doubter, give up your heart to God,
And you shall have a new hiding place that day.
Oh, the rocks, etc.
Mourner, mourner, give up your heart to God, etc.
Sinner, sinner, give up your heart to God, etc.
Sister, sister, give up your heart to God, etc.
Mother, mother, give up your heart to God, etc.
Children, children, give up your heart to God, etc.