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Idle Moments :

Containing Emancipation and other Poems

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Bakin an' Greens.

Suggested by Mr. Lewis H. Douglass.

You may tell me ub pastries an' fine oyster paddies,
Ub salads, an' croquets an' Boston baked beans;
But dars nuffin so temptin' to dis nigger's palate,
Ez a big slice ub bakin an' plenty ub greens.
Jes bile um right down so dey'll melt when you eat um,
Hab a big streak ub fat, an' a small streak ub lean;
Dais nuffin on uf you kin fix up to beat um,
Fur de king ub all dishes am bakin an' greens.
Den tak' sum good corn meal an' sif' it an' pat it,
An' put in de ashes wid nuffin between,
Den blow off de ashes, an' set right down at it,
Fur dars nuffin like ash cake wid bakin an' greens.
'Twill take de ole mammies to fix um up greasy,
Wid a lot ub good licker an' dumplins between,
Take all your fin' eatins I won't be uneasy,
Ef you'll lebe me dat bakin an' plenty ub greens.
Some folks go fur tuckey, an' some goes fur chicken,
But I lights up wid joy an' wid plejger I beams,
When I kum home from wuck an' a day ub hard pickins,
An' am greeted wid bakin, an' a big dish ub greens.


Rich folks in dar kerrage may fro de dus' on me,
But how kin I enby dem men ub big means,
Dey may hab de dispepsy an' do dey may scorn me,
Dey kant injoy bakin wid lots ub good greens.
You may put me in rags, fill my cup up wid sorrow,
Let joy be a stranger an' trouble my dreams;
But I still will be smilin' no pain kin I borrow,
Ef I still kin git bakin wid plenty ub greens.