University of Virginia Library


It is Pat Bradley's particular
wish at this time to show her
remembrance of a very dear
friend who has shared the
experiences of oppression and
suffering. Sister Callett
Dickerson, though not with us
attending the Big House, her
spirit transcends these meager
lines to give all of us a much
needed message:

We are on the verge of a
Black Revolution, but we the
Revolutionist are baffled and
puzzled, as to a solution to the
main problem which we now
plainly face.

And that my brothers, is
how to pull your coat, so that
you as a Black Man can take
your rightful place in a strong
Black Society, with pride in
your race.

Granted, many are the
brothers which have begun to
see the light, but there are just
as many brothers, who do not
wish or care to fight.

But Whitey, by the
thousand, can ship your asses
overseas to hide behind sparse
jungle growth, to shoot a gook
between the trees. And you
say SHIT. Why should we be
forced to fight Whitey's battle?

Well listen, Dammit. My
potential brothers, Negroes,
Niggers, and all the others, We
now have a fight that you can
claim. And its one you can die
for, or die for Whitey.