University of Virginia Library

Brother Ed

Ode To Virginia's Children


Virginia is for Lovers, but I
ask, lovers of what? It must
definitely not be me or my

Yet, we are told ceaselessly by
effeminate administrators, that
we are mistaken and that the
university is on our side
completely, and they can't
seem to understand why we are
so hostile and unreceptive to
these gestures. I say to them,
how have they shown us a
manifestation of this "sincere"
concern of theirs?

Is it by their criminal
exclusion of black people from
this campus? For while the
University of Va. white male
and female student population
is on the increase and is well
representative of their state
and out-of state proportion our
black enrollment has had no
increase in the amount
admitted last year with that of
this year, and there exists no
representative proportion of
state students with that of the
state black population. Strong

Is it by their perpetuation
of the oppressive exploitation
of the black employees on this
campus? There is massive
population of black unskilled
workers yet no black
administrators above the level of a
clerk. Thus white
administrators maintain
deplorable working conditions.

The greater majority of the
workers are not making enough
money to support their
families and themselves. The
promotion system is white
controlled and supervised,
thereby eliminating their
chances of advancement if an
individual acts like man and
woman with dignity and
self-esteem he is automatically
punished by transvestite white
supervisors, as being
undesirable. Only by grinning
and shuffling his feet to this
pig is one advanced.

Black workers are penalized
for being men and women,
brutalized with fear in order to
be controlled, Jim Crowed in
their facilities, stripped of any
legal means to combat these
without loss of their jobs,
degraded and exploited. Yet
the University condones and
perpetuates these inhumane
conditions to our people.
Where is their damned

Is it by their harassment by
their security police? In a time
when the complexity and
tension on a college campus
dictates the need for a sensitive
and well trained security force
in order to alleviate this strain,
our security police force is
underpaid, ill-equipped,
untrained and filled with
illiterate red-neck farmers, led
by inadequate insensitive and
impossible leadership of Wade

This disturbed force armed
vigilantes are put on the
campus to deal with black
people and we all too well know
the type of treatment black
people has suffered at that
hands. Again the University
perpetuates this festering sore
of injustice, and refuses to
rectify this situation. Is their
concern embedded in their
refusal to build an efficient
black studies program? The
program as is is understaffed,
does not have adequate library,
inadequate funding, minute
recruiting and white

These inadequacies all point
to an administrative policy of
do-nothingness when it comes
to the education and well-being
of minority groups. This
comical program is praised by

these state lackeys as an
achievement but it has done
more harm than good for they
have built a myth around this
department that only adds to
their academic impotency.

We need full time recruiters
to bring in black professors
funds for the establishment of
an adequate departmental
library, the establishment of an
efficient and well organized
department housed in its own
building and brought up to the
level of its contemporaries
across the nation. Yet the
administration continues to
censor and stifle our
knowledge of ourselves, is this
their concern?

We have sacrificed enough
black minds to your cesspool
of perverted fraternities,
irrelevant education system
and Wahoo consciousness. You
have raped enough of our
bleach-brain sisters with your
impotency. Your "sweet"
administration has destroyed
enough of our people with
their antique policies. We will
not renege our identity and
accept your life-less culture,
but you can't seem to
understand this and you shall
commit institutional suicide
learning it!