University of Virginia Library

Sex The Problem

Abortion is not the problem, it
is only an issue. Sex is the
problem. Overpopulation has
undercut the purpose of procreative
sex. We no longer have a need for
people, unless one accepts the view
that nature overpopulates a species
in order that positive and
progressive mutations might occur.
We are left with sexuality as an
activity in a world with no purpose
(necessarily) other than personal

Gratification, however, has led
repeatedly to a standard of
behavior that castigates a woman if
she doesn't co-operate and despises
her if she does, leaving the burden
of children upon her. It's not bad
enough that women are exposed to
the psychosis of insecure men, but
that are forced to carry an
unwanted fetus with them and then
care for the development of an
unwanted human being is a real and
serious problem. The solution lies
with woman asserting their control
and men controlling their lusts.

My first suggestion is to the men
of the Charlottesville Right to Life
Committee. They should logically
abstain from intercourse until they
have taken precautions to insure
non-fertilization (I would
recommend, in the case where
abstention would seriously impair
their self image, a vasectomy).

My second hassle with members
of this committee is their rather
narrow and bigoted perspective of
the problem of abortion. From
what I can gather from their
tirades, they oppose abortion
because it is murder, it terminates a
life, even before that life is fully
viable. Nevertheless, if not as a
body, than as individuals, they
believe in selective and arbitrary
murder. Aside from the political
questions involved in Vietnam.
including political terrorism, the use
of napalm and defoliants by the
United States is aborting thousands
of Children every year, and
maiming and retarding thousands of