University of Virginia Library

Scientific Research

Results of scientific research
help explain how Maharishi has
managed to get his foot in so many
doors that the practice of TM is
expanding at the phenomenal rate
of 250% a year. A thesis by Dr.
Keith Wallace, published in Science
magazine under the title
"Physiological Effects of
Transcendental Meditation" has
been his trump card. The study
indicates a significant decrease in
oxygen consumption, and cardiac
output; and profound changes in
EEG patterns, blood chemistry and
galvanic skin response.

During meditation there is an
average of 15-20% decrease in
oxygen consumption from normal
waking state, whereas in deepest
sleep the oxygen consumption only
drops 2-5%. This indicates that the
nervous system gains a very deep
rest during meditation; obviously
much deeper than sleep. This and
other similar studies have enabled
Maharishi and his Students'
International Meditation Society
(SIMS), which now has local
branches on 500 universities
including this one, to prove to
every doubting Thomas that
beneath the welter of metaphors
and extravagant promises lies a
technique, a state of mind and being,
which is scientifically definable.

The technique of TM is
practiced twice a day for about
15-20 minutes. During the practice
of TTM, the mind experiences
"progressively finer and subtler
states of thought. When this
happens, outer, gross sensory
perception drops off and the
awareness is directed inward until
even the finest or subtlest state of
thought is 'transcended' and the
mind arrives at the source of
thought or the field of pure creative
intelligence. In other words even
the subtlest object of perception is
no longer experienced and the mind
is left to experience consciousness