University of Virginia Library

Poor Taste

Dear Sir:

The article "Pope Paul Ba
Sex" which appeared in your April
first edition showed surprising lack
of quality for a newspaper which
usually exhibits good and often
outstanding journalism. I enjoy
good satire as much as the next
man, and as a Roman Catholic
physician-to-be, I am strongly in
favor of liberalization of the
Church's laws on contraception.
Portions of the article were in very
poor taste, and the tone of the
entire piece - satire though it might
be — showed little understanding
and did nothing to advance
understanding of this very serious
problem. I hope you will exhibit
better judgement in this area in the

Don Lynch
Medicine 4

The article to which you refer,
although it may have seemed
satirical, was copied straight from
the UPI machine, except for the
last three paragraphs which were
added by a staff writer. We
recommend that you direct your
complaint to Pope Paul.

— Ed.