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The number of co-eds at the University has increased a staggering amount in
the past year. In the Department of Law two of the four co-eds enrolled have
been awarded scholarships, while only nine per cent of the male students are
similarly encouraged and assisted.

A University is for learning and discussion, but when it is co-educational it
becomes a place for playing and for love. So College Humor summed up the
co-educational evil. The University is not yet a place for playing and love, we are
bold to say. However, the encouragement of women students and rapid increases
in their enrollment such as has been recently evident will not eliminate the
co-educational misfortune.

We have no objections to the particular group of women who study at
Virginia. As students they probably measure up to the best at colleges of their
own sex. Yet we maintain that their coming here in ever increasing numbers bodes
no good for the University. Great universities are not co-educational. The big
machine-age university, such as those of the far south and middle west, would not
be so despised by certain groups of intelligentsia, if they were not handicapped by
the unfortunate atmosphere created by the presence of both male and female
students. If Virginia draws more co-eds, and if the lure and lilt of the Lawn gives
way to the love-making atmosphere of the Midwestern campus, we advocate a
second Rotunda fire and the deletion of the last phrase, "founder of the
University of Virginia," from Mr. Jefferson's epitaph.