The Cavalier daily Tuesday, February 17, 1970 | ||
In this time of growing interest
in ecology and conversation, it is,
indeed, amazing that the lumber
industry may soon be given license
to raid our national forests. This
license may be granted by Congress
in the form of the National Timber
Supply Act (H.R. 12025 and S.
1832) - misleadingly relabeled the
"National Forest Conservation and
Management Act."
Proponents of this bill, taking
advantage of the existence of a
housing shortage, are claiming a
timber "shortage" threatens the
country. They claim that national
forests, currently protected by the
Multiple-Use and Sustained Yield
Act of 1964, will provide the
solution. First, it is hard to believe
that a lumber shortage really exists
when four billion board feet were
exported in 1969 and lumber
company profits are at record-breaking
levels. Second, this bill has
been rightly called "the antithesis
of conservation" and threatens to
"visit environmental disaster on
much of our national forests."
This bill must not be allowed to
pass. If you are tired of a handful
of greedy people being allowed to
contribute to the destruction of our
natural environment, you should let
your Congressman know immediately.
Write or telegram your Congressman
now and urge him to vote
against this unnecessary raid on our
national forests. Act today -
tomorrow will be too late.
Graduate A&S
The Cavalier daily Tuesday, February 17, 1970 | ||