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Supports Action

But several ideas stand out. The
YAF supports an action program to
educate the public on the
advantages of a volunteer army, and
urges activist students to work
together in political action and
education programs, all without
causing any inconvenience to any
other individuals, of course, it all
smacks rather strongly of being
against all things bad, for all things
good, and thinking both can be
attained without affecting any

The most interesting group
battling for first-year brains was the
Radical Libertarian Alliance, a
group of self-styled anarchists who
believe that there should be no
obstacles whatever placed before
individuals. They are against the
draft, against ROTC, against
control of universities by either
administration, faculty, or students,
and devoted to the "Student
Libertarian Action Movement."

Manned by former members of
all sorts of groups, including the
YR's, some left-wing organizations
and even the Ayn Rand Society,
the RLA circulated copies of the
Libertarian Forum. The
newspaper-styled sheet is a basic
statement of philosophical
outgrowths on libertarianism, such
as "Thoughts On Black Power and
Capitalism": "To argue that laissez-faire
is responsible for racist
oppression is to argue for the basic
inferiority of the black race. For
the only way a Black could sink to
the lowest social strata in laissez
faire would be with the precondition
that this Black man had no
talent, no ability, no drives."