University of Virginia Library

Lacking Stimulation

Intellectual stimulation lacking,
the feminine point of view (which
much to the surprise of most Virginians
does exist) lacking, engenders
and unhealthy state. "The common
reaction to an intelligent statement
by a girl is a roomful of staring

Reasons for not going coeducational,
from the male standpoint,
revolves around the basic male insecurity.
Men have felt that too
many girls would be distracting or
would provide unwanted competition.
And as we all know women
are basically dishonest and conniving,
thus straining the revered
Honor System.

They felt that men suffered as
much as women by not developing
personal relationships and thus limited
themselves to girls who are
"fixed-up." The common male-female
relationship is the proud,
drinking, high-living Virginian and
the awestruck, envious, giggly female.

Girls at the University sensed a
definite hostility. One graduate
mentioned that in passing her, two
men commented that it might help
if she smiled. She almost turned
around and asked why they didn't
smile first. "Men wouldn't dare say
hello to us."