University of Virginia Library

Art Gallery

Currently on display in the art
gallery are works of two student
artists. The art show, which will run
through September, combines
collage or picture-poem works
created by Tom Jones with
charcoal impressions of nudes
sketched by Josh Orkin, the
manager of the gallery.

A new show will be presented
each month, and anyone interested
in contributing is urged to contact
Josh Orkin.

Since the folk scene is becoming
increasingly diversified in nature,
the Prism is able to present a great
variety of contemporary, blues, and
traditional folk music.

On nights when paid performers
are featured at the Prism, a cover
charge of fifty cents is asked. Half
of this goes to the performer and
the rest covers the Prism's operating

The Prism is open on
Wednesday from 8 to 12 p.m., and
on weekends from 8 to 1:30 a.m.