University of Virginia Library

Mystery Marine's
3 Wives Revealed

Felton Leland McGehee, a 35
year-old ex-marine who was killed
in an automobile accident near
Charlottesville on April 13, not
only had three wives, but three
different names as well.

McGehee, a 5 foot 6 Korean
War veteran, had married women
in Wisconsin, Missouri, and
Indiana. According to FBI files,
McGehee had assumed a different
alias each time he married, his
last being Arnold Locklear which
he used in his recent marriage to
Mrs. Phyllis Enyeart, a Kansas
City divorcee. McGhee's two previous
wives were not identified although
both had reportedly been
trying to obtain divorces.

The real Arnold Locklear lives
in Gainesville, Ga., and his identification
papers, which he reported
having lost in Chattanooga last
October, were found on McGehee's
body after the fatal accident.

At the time the accident took
place, McGehee was driving a car
which belonged to his last wife,
Mrs. Enycart. McGehee had apparently
telephoned her earlier that
day and said that he was in Shreveport,

According to state police, FBI
files indicated that McGehee had
been a painter by trade.

McGehee's body is currently in
the morgue at the University