University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

As a conscientious reader I
would like to applaud the excellent
efforts made by The Cavalier
Daily in publicizing cultural
events at the University. The latest
example of this excellence may
be viewed (if you have good eyesight)
in the Feb. 22 issue of the
CD; Mr. Robert Lowell's reading
of his own works received the
grand total of approximately 3
inches (including headline) in the
lower left hand corner of the front
page. Without the CD's comprehensive
coverage Mr. Lowell would
certainly not have been able to
fill Cabell Auditorium.

Also I would like to commend
the writer of the above mentioned
article for his most thorough research
into the subject of Mr.
Lowell's work. He managed to list
Mr. Lowell's most notable accomplishments
as being the great
grand-nephew of James Russel
Lowell and the distant cousin of
Amy Lowell. (Mr. Lowell also
writes poetry on the side.)

With Midwinter's so near at
hand one could hardly expect America's
greatest living poet to hold
sway over the Box Tops, could

Yes, Cavalier Daily there is a
Robert Lowell. (Celebrate Washington's
Birthday-go to a poetry

Richard Nester
College A&S 1