University of Virginia Library

Proud Of Faculty

Dear Sir:

In the midst of all the turmoil
and confusion of these terrible days
when draft card burners go unpunished,
incendiary speech
makers never seem to be halted or
even reproved, when various organizations
are allowed to encourage
treason (there is no other
suitable word for it), when a college
professor expressed the hope
the communists will win the war in
Vietnam, when officials in high
places in government, even U.S.
Senators make statements which
can not help but give aid and comfort
to those who would destroy
us, and there are many more views
too numerous to enumerate here,
there is still an occasional incident
which stirs renewed faith in our
country. Such an incident occurred
this last week (Tuesday) when
sixteen faculty members of the University,
established by Mr. Jefferson,
had sufficient patriotism to
stand up and be counted as supporters
of the great men who
founded this republic. Gentlemen,
I feel sure that if you will go part
way up to the hilltop at Monticello
and stand there in the quiet
of that spot, you will hear Mr.
Jefferson say, Thank You Gentlemen,
you have acted in the best
tradition of the University, The
Commonwealth of Virginia, and of
this Great Republic.

Willard Gilley,
Williamsburg, Va.