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President Report
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President Report

The Rector asked the President to give his customary report.

Security Efforts

The President reviewed briefly the security efforts in progress at the University as a result of the shootings at Virginia Tech. These include:

Clarifying operating procedures for the immediate cancellation of classes and the closing of the University to all but essential personnel.

Creation of an emergency management office.

Planning for upgraded security requirements for all new buildings and those scheduled for renovation.

Conducting in-service training for faculty, student affairs staff, and others on laws regarding the admission and retention of students who seem potentially dangerous.

Reviewing policies on employee terminations or disciplinary actions to minimize the risk of violence and to protect staff.

Accelerating the installation of a student/employee notification system that simultaneously distributes text, e-mail, and web messages to cell phones.

Exploring the installation of a Grounds-wide siren and public address system to warn of imminent danger.

Personnel Changes

The President then noted several personnel changes: Dr. Garson, the Dean of the School of Medicine, will become the Provost this summer; Dr. Sharon Hostler, currently Associate Dean of the School of Medicine, will serve as Dean ad-interim.

Mr. Robert Pianta will become Dean of the Curry School of Education this summer; Mr. Breneman, the current Dean, will remain on the faculty.


Ms. Lancaster, the Dean of the School of Nursing since 1989, will step down next year. Ms. Stallard, the Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, will leave at the end of the summer to become the President of Strayer University in Washington.

The President told the Board that he hopes the new Dean of Arts & Sciences will be named shortly.

The Batten School

The President then described the work being done on the planning and implementation of the Batten School. There is a large committee at work; the co-chairs of the committee are Mr. Breneman, the current Dean of the Curry School, and Mr. Eric Patashnik of the Politics Department. The co-chairs have met with faculty at the Center for Public Leadership at the Kennedy School at Harvard, and with faculty at Duke and Berkeley.

The five-year BA/MPP program in public policy, which was created before the Batten gift was made but which in due course will become part of the Batten School, will enroll its first class this fall. There are 30 students in the entering class, all rising fourth year students from a variety of undergraduate majors.