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  • The following resignations were announced:
  • Mr. David A. Collier, Associate Professor of Business Administration, effective May 31, 1986, to accept another position.
  • Ms. Ellen J. Flannery, Lecturer in Law, effective January 16, 1986, because of insufficient course enrollment.
  • Ms. M. Suzanne Hasenstab, Associate Professor of Education, effective May 31, 1986, to accept another position.
  • Mr. David L. Heilberg, Lecturer in Law, effective January 15, 1986, because of insufficient class enrollment.
  • Dr. Thomas H. Howard, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, effective January 29, 1986, to accept another position.

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  • Mr. Richard F. Kingham, Lecturer in Law, effective January 16, 1986, because of insufficient course enrollment.
  • Dr. Alfonso Lledo-Perez, Assistant Professor of Radiology, effective March 31, 1986, to accept another position.
  • Mr. Eugene A. Lovelace, Associate Professor of Psychology, effective May 31, 1986, to accept another position.
  • Dr. Nicholas T. McClean-Rice, Research Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, effective February 1, 1986, to continue as a fourth-year resident.
  • Mr. Arthur I. Morton, Instructor in Economics, part time, effective January 16, 1986, to accept another position.
  • Mr. George H. Revercomb, Lecturer in Law, effective January 16, 1986, for personal reasons.
  • Ms. Deborah D. Roberts, Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective May 31, 1986, to accept a position in the Institute of Government as Research Associate.
  • Mr. Albert L. Shaw, Assistant Professor, General Faculty, effective January 15, 1986, to accept another position.
  • Mr. Brian L. Wilcox, Assistant Professor of Psychology, effective January 15, 1986, to accept another position.
  • Dr. Albert S. Yoon, Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Veterans Administration Medical Center, effective January 15, 1986, to accept another position.