University of Virginia Library


Mr. Mears, Chairman of the special committee studying the administrative structure of the
University laid before the Board the following proposals by his Committee for the University's
administrative organization and functions.



The President shall be responsible for the administration of the University
of Virginia. He shall carry out this responsibility in such a manner as to
realize the maximum educational potentialities of the University.


In order to carry out this basic function, the President shall have discretionary
powers broad enough to enable him to meet his extensive responsibilities. Portions
of the following duties, with the required authority for their fulfillment, may be
delegated to subordinates, but this does not reduce the President's over-all
responsibility for their performance.

  • 1. Policy-Making Responsibilities

    • a. Define the mission of the University

    • b. Formulate and promulgate the educational and administrative policies
      of the University

    • c. Interpret the policies of the University to

      • (1) The officers of the University,

      • (2) The faculties,

      • (3) The student bodies,

      • (4) The alumni and alumnae, and

      • (5) The people of the state of Virginia

    • d. Promote the general welfare and the development of the University by

      • (1) Striving to maintain a favorable attitude toward the University on the
        part of the citizens of Virginia and the General Assembly

      • (2) Stimulating efforts to procure financial support to supplement
        state appropriations

  • 2. Executive Responsibilities

    • a. Promptly and effectively execute:

      • (1) All laws relating to the University.

      • (2) All resolutions, rules and regulations adopted by the Board of
        Visitors for the government of the University

      • (3) All duties assigned to him by the Board of Visitors

    • b. Present recommendations pertaining to the University to the

      • (1) Board of Visitors

      • (2) General Assembly and its committees

      • (3) The Governor and his administrators and commissions

    • c. Prepare an annual report of the activities, accomplishments and
      problems of the University, and such special reports as he deems
      wise or the Board of Visitors may require

  • 3. Administrative Responsibilities

    • a. Assume, and retain at all times, control over all budgets of the
      University. Supervise the preparation of the budgets, and their
      presentation to the Board of Visitors, the Advisory Budget Commission,
      and the General Assembly and its committees. Approve revisions of
      the budgets including reallocations of unexpended funds. Approve
      expenditures under the budget.

    • b. Establish an organization to carry out effectively the policies
      of the University. Interpret the organization to the Board of
      Visitors, and to the officers and faculties of the University

    • c. Insure that the University is properly staffed with personnel
      competent to discharge their responsibilities effectively, and
      that adequate opportunities are provided for the development
      and advancement of such personnel

    • d. Foster high morale among the personnel of the University

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    • e. Guide and counsel all officials concerned with development, public
      relations and communications, and act as coordinator to prevent or
      reduce confusion among supporters and the public regarding the several
      programs of the University.

    • f. Establish and maintain lines of communication adequate to insure prompt
      perception of needs for

      • (1) Problem identification and analysis

      • (2) Policy formulation

      • (3) Decision

To this and, the President shall be a member of all faculties, and shall frequently
attend and participate in faculty meetings.


  • 1. The President shall be subject to the direction and control of the Board of

  • 2. The President shall have the following staff officers reporting to him

    • a. Provost

    • b. Comptroller

  • 3. The President shall have the following administrative officers reporting to him.

    • a. Provost

    • b. Dean - Medical School

    • c. Dean - Law School

    • d. Dean - Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

    • e. Dean - College of Arts & Sciences

    • f. Dean - School of Education

    • g. Dean - School of Engineering

    • h. Dean - Graduate School of Business

    • i. Director - Undergraduate School of Business

    • j. Director - School of Architecture

    • k. Director of Extension

    • l. Chancellor of Mary Washington

    • m. Comptroller

  • 4. The President shall be Chairman of.

    • a. The University Senate



The Provost shall serve as the principal staff officer to the President on
educational affairs of the University, and as an administrative officer in directly
supervising the academic service agencies of the University


In carrying out his function as a staff officer, the Provost shall perform
the following duties

  • 1. Research and Policy Formulation Responsibilities

    • a. Assist the President in formulating budgetary and fiscal policies and
      plans with respect to the operations and maintenance of the University

    • b. Organize and conduct research into indicators of long-term requirements
      for educational programs, staff and plant facilities

    • c. Formulate and recommend adoption of policies to implement approved
      plans and to solve recurring educational problems.

    • d. Develop and recommend the adoption of standards and policies
      governing instructional personnel administration, including such
      matters as

      • (1) Qualifications for appointment

      • (2) Promotion and tenure

      • (3) Leaves of absence

      • (4) Salaries

      • (5) Retirement

      • (6) Acceptance by faculty members of outside consulting work and the
        compensation for such work

    • 409

    • e. Keep the President and Deans informed of movements and
      activities of outside educational bodies having implication
      for the University

  • 2. Review and Coordinating Responsibilities

    • a. Devise and recommend the installation of systems of reports and
      records to reveal.

      • (1) Instructional personnel strengths and weaknesses.

      • (2) Teaching loads and class sizes.

      • (3) Instructional costs.

      • (4) Grade distributions

      • (5) Needs for reallocation of space, building modification, new

    • b. Report his findings and recommendations, as a result of his reviews
      and analysis of reports and records, to the President.

    • c. Study and advise on proposed appointments and promotions to insure
      compliance with standards and to prevent inequities.

    • d. Consider and evaluate suggestions and recommendations made by
      faculty groups and individuals

    • e. Represent the President upon request in contacts by correspondence
      or in person with outside associations, foundations and similar

    • f. Act for the President in the latter's absence.

In carrying out his duties as an administrative officer, the Provost shall
supervise all the academic service activities of the University including the

  • a. Library

  • b. Registrar

  • c. Dean of Women

  • d. Director of Student Affairs

  • e. Student Health

  • f. Student Aid

  • g. Public Relations

  • h. Intercollegiate Athletics

  • i. Independent Research Bureaus

  • j. Alumni Activities


1. In carrying out his functions, the Provost shall work closely with the
individual Deans, but the conduct of his activities shall in no way abridge the
administrative responsibility or authority of these officers, who shall report
directly to the President.

2. He shall be a member of the University Senate

The Board resolved that the Secretary be directed to prepare and send to each Visitor a
copy of the foregoing Report, together with a copy of the accompanying chart, the original of
which should become a part of the permanent minutes.
