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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
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6 occurrences of Dictionary of the History of Ideas
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K. E. von Baer, “Beiträge zur Kenntnis der niedern
Thiere,” Nova Acta Physico-medica Academiae Caesareae
Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum, XIII, Part 2
(1827), 525-762. Part was translated by T. H. Huxley in
Scientific Memoirs, ed. A. Henfrey and T. H. Huxley
(London, 1853); the quotation is from Huxley's translation,
p. 184; idem, Ueber Entwicklungsgeschichte der Tiere, 2 vols.
(Königsberg, 1828; 1837), I, 224; the quotation is from
Huxley's translation, Scientific Memoirs, op. cit., p. 214.
G. R. de Beer, Embryos and Ancestors, 3rd ed. (Oxford, 1958),
is the most recent full critique of recapitulation theory. W.
Blake, The First Book of Urizen, Etched 1794, in Poetry and
Prose of William Blake,
ed. G. Keynes (London, 1927), p.
254. C. R. Darwin, Origin of Species..., 3rd ed. (London,
1861), pp. 470-71. Darwin's quotation from von Baer is from
Huxley's translation, Scientific Memoirs, op. cit., p. 210; The
Origin of Species
..., 6th ed. (London, 1872). The quota-
tion from the 6th ed. is taken from the reprint (New York,
1902), II, 120. J. W. Draper, History of the Intellectual
Development of Europe,
rev. ed., 2 vols. (New York, 1876),
I, 12, 14, 17-18. W. Garstang, “The Theory of Recapitula-
tion. A Critical Restatement of the Biogenetic Law,” Jour-
nal of the Linnaean Society of London, Zoology,
35 (1922),
81-101. E. H. Haeckel, “Die Gastraeatheorie, die physio-
logische Klassifikation des Tierreichs und die Homologie der
Keimblätter,” Je naische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaften,
8 (1874), 6; idem, “Die Gastrula und die Eifurchung der
Tiere,” Je naische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaften, 9
(1875), 402-19; idem, Generelle Morphologie der Orga-
2 vols. (Berlin, 1866), II, 300, 344; Die Kalk-
schwämme, Biologie der Kalkschwämme,
3 vols. (Berlin,
1872b), I, 484; idem, Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte, 3rd
ed. (Berlin, 1872a), p. xxxv. W. Harvey, “An Anatomical
Disquisition on the Motion of the Heart and Blood in
Animals,” in The Works of William Harvey, M.D., ed. and
trans. R. Willis (London, 1847), p. 82. The original essay
is in Latin. G. Heberer, ed., Der gerechtfertigte Haeckel
(Stuttgart, 1968). This is the most comprehensive modern
work available summarizing Haeckel's thought; it has ex-
tensive bibliographies. While it discusses the whole body
of his work, it devotes considerable space to recapitulation.
The major portion of the volume consists of long extracts
from Haeckel's own writings. W. His, Unsere Körperform
und das physiologische Problem ihrer Entstehung
1874), pp. 168-71. C. J. Jung, Psychology of the Unconscious,
trans. B. M. Hinkle (New York, 1927), pp. 27-28. J. H. F.
Kohlbrugge, “Das biogenetische Grundgesetz. Eine
historische Studie,” Zoologischer Anzeiger, 37 (1911),
447-53. J. F. Meckel, System der vergleichenden Anatomie,
6 vols. (Halle, 1821-33), I, 396-97. W. Preyer, Die Seele
des Kindes
(Leipzig, 1884), pp. vi-vii, 260-61. H. Spemann,
Forschung und Leben (Stuttgart, 1943). B. Spock, Baby and
Child Care,
rev. ed. (New York, 1968), p. 229. E. Witschi,
Development of Vertebrates (Philadelphia, 1956), p. 6.


[See also Biological Conceptions in Antiquity; Chain of
Being; Evolutionism; Inheritance of Acquired Characteris-
tics; Macrocosm and Microcosm.