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Page 132


(1) Authors, Editors, Illustrators, Translators

(plus personal-name subjects, and titles without named authors)

Abbey, Edwin A., 82.3, 89.15

Abbot, Ezra, 75.2

Abbott, Jacob, 50.1, 80.3

Abercromby, Ralph, 87.2

Adams, Charles Follen, 88.10

Adams, Sarah Flower, 76.2, 80.4

Alcott, Louisa May, 88.1

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 79.2, 82.4, 90.21

All for Jesus, 86.1

Allen, Elizabeth Akers, 83.5

American Ancestry, 88.21

American Ladies & Gentlemens Pocket Almanac,

Amulet, The, 27.2, 28.4

Andersen, Hans Christian, 84.2

Arthur, T. S., 88.24

Atlantic Souvenir, 26.2, 27.3, 28.2

Ayres, Alfred, 82.1, 85.1

Baker, Samuel W., X.13

Barnard, Charles, 87.3

Bates, Charlotte Fiske, 81.10

Bates, Fanny B., 88.25

Bellows, A. F., 81.7

Bennett, Charles, 60.1

Betham-Edwards, Matilda, 90.29

Beveridge, Henry, 62.1

Biblische Geschichten, 83.10

Bishop, Nathaniel H., X.26

Blackmore, R. D., X.29, X.31

Blair, David, 19.1

Blashfield, Albert D., 90.40

Bolton, Sarah K., X.27

Book of Common Prayer, The, 49.1

Brahm, John William Gerar de, 1791.1

Bray, S. Alice, 82.11

Brontë, Charlotte, 89.4

Brooks, Charles T., 85.21

Brooks, Phillips, X.21

Brownjohn, John, 87.12

Bryant, William Cullen, 65.1, 78.8, 84.1, X.4

Bryant Festival at "The Century," The, 65.1

Buchanan, Robert, 69.2

Buckley, Arabella B., 81.1-2, 90.2

Bullen, A. H., 89.31

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 88.30, 90.34, 90.42

Bunner, H. C., 87.19

Bunyan, John, 60.1

Buonarroti, Michelangelo, 85.12

Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 86.21, 88.18, 88.27

Burnside, Helen Marion, X.7

Butterworth, Hezekiah, 83.6, X.18

Carey, William, 90.10

Carroll, Lewis, 76.3

Castlemon, Harry, 78.7

Catnach, James, 78.9, 86.13

Chadwick, J. H., 87.7

Champney, Lizzie W., 85.8, 88.9, 89.12

Chase, Jessie, X.28

Cinderella, 14.1

Clephane, Elizabeth C., 77.7

Cobb, Francis Power, 83.4

Coffin, Charles Carleton, 81.6

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 77.4

Colvin, Laura M., 83.14

Coolidge, George, 59.1-2

Cory, Charles B., 89.13

Couch, Jonathan, 62.2, 64.1, 65.1

Craig, Hugh, 90.38-39

Crane, Lucy, 82.10

Crane, Walter, 77.8, 82.10, 83.15

Crawford, Rebekah, 90.40

Curtis, George William, 90.18

Dale, T. Nelson, 84.10

Darley, F. O. C., 48.1

DeQuincey, Thomas, X.20

Deulin, Charles, 87.11

De Vere, Aubrey, 69.1

Dickens, Charles, 70.2, X.15

Didama, 86.20

Disraeli, Benjamin, 81.4

Dobson, Austin, 90.19

Don Juan, 84.19

Donnelly, Ignatius, X.24

Doré, Gustave, 67.2, 77.4, 84.8

Doris, X.10

Dowden, Edward, 86.18

Doyle, Richard, 85.22

Drake, Samuel Adams, 82.2

Du Haijs, Charles, 86.9

Dyer, Oliver, 89.6

Edwards, George Wharton, 88.5

Edwards, Ninian, 84.6


Page 133

Eliot, George, 85.3-4, 90.11, 90.32

Ellis, Sarah Stickney, 44.1, 46.1, 47.1, 48.2,

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 82.13, 84.14

Emerton, J. H., 90.43

Emmet, Rosina, 80.2

Falkener, Edward, 60.2-3

Fern, Fanny, 88.4

Feuillet, Octave, 89.27

Field, Kate, 78.2

First Flowers, 28.3

Fish, George T., 88.11

Fisher, George D., 80.5

Fiske, John, 88.13

Forget Me Not, 22.1, 24.1, 25.1, 26.1, 27.1,
28.1, 29.1, 30.1

Fosdick, Charles Austin, 78.7

Frank Feignwell's Attempts to Amuse His

Frederic, Harold, 87.20

Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins, 83.13

Friendship's Offering, 23.1, 24.3, 26.3

Frost, A. B., 87.19

Gagnon, Ferdinand, 86.14

Gatty, A. Scott, 89.14

Gedney, Richard S., 57.2

Gems of Colorado Scenery, X.30

Gems of the Centennial Exhibition, 77.1

Gibson, William Hamilton, 87.9

Giles, Ernest, 89.24

Gill, W. F, 85.5

Gould, Elizabeth Porter, 89.25

Grant, U. S., 79.1, 85.17

Gray, Thomas, 83.7

Greenway, Kate, 79.6, 81.19-20, 86.5, 88.26,
89.28, 90.37

Greville, Charles, 75.3

Grimm, Jacob, 82.10

Grimm, Wilhelm, 82.10

Hackett, H. B., 75.2

Hale, Edward Everett, 88.29

Harlow, Louis K., 88.22

Harlow, Lurabel, 88.1

Harris, Joel Chandler, 81.3

Harrison, Gabriel, 85.14

Harte, Bret, 86.5

Hassam, Childe, 87.8

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 83.16, 89.17, 90.22,

Hayward, Almira L., 81.11

Hazlitt, William, 75.4

Hearn, Lafcadio, 90.14

Herman, Henry, 90.30

Herrick, Robert, 82.3

Hindley, Charles, 78.9, 86.13

History and Adventures of Little Henry,

History of Little Fanny, The, 10.2-3, 30.2

Hofland, Barbara, X.1

Holmes, Mrs. M. A., 85.18

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 83.3, 83.18, 88.14

Holyoake, G. J., 81.5

Hood, Thomas, 67.2, 86.7

Horace, 89.29

Howells, William Dean, 69.4, 90.15, 90.20

Hoyle, Edmond, 03.1

Hubert, the Cottage Youth, 12.1

Hughes, Thomas, 69.3, 90.4

Hurlbut, Henry, 81.8

Hutchinson, William F., 86.19

Hutton, Laurence, 90.10

Ingersoll, Ernest, 89.10

Innsly, Owen, 83.2

Irving, Washington, 87.15, 89.26, X.2

Isaacs, Jorge, 90.16

Jackson, W. H., X.30

James, Henry, 78.6

Janvier, Thomas A., 90.16-17

Jefferies, Richard, 89.21

Jennison, Lucy White, 83.2

Jewett, Sarah Orne, 90.23

Johnson, Helen Kendrick, 84.17

Juvenile Scrap-Book, The 44.1, 46.1, 47.1,
48.2, 49.2

Kappes, Alfred, 79.3

Kay, David, 89.2

Keats, John, 67.2, 85.9

Keepsake, The, 32.1

Kelly, Michael, 75.5

Kingsley, Charles, 85.16

Kittredge, Walter, 90.25

Knox, William, 77.5

Krell, P. F., 79.7

Lafayette, Marquis de, 89.9

Lamb, Charles, 11.5, 75.4

Lang, Andrew, 72.1, 81.18, 84.15, 85.19-20,
87.11, 87.14, 88.6, 88.23, 89.22, 90.27, 90.31

Leighton, Caroline C., 83.11

Lincoln, Abraham, X.25

Linton, W. J., 78.8

Little, Elizabeth W., 88.8

Long, Enoch, 84.7

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 75.1, 81.10,
82.13, 85.11, 86.6, X.12

Lowe, Martha Perry, 81.16

Lowell, James Russell, 88.15, 89.3

Lucinda, the Orphan, 12.2

Lummis, C. F., 85.15

Lyte, Henry Francis, 77.6, 78.5


Page 134

Lyttelton, R. H., 88.19

Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 90.36

McCarthy, Carlton, 89.30

Macdonald, George, 88.2

MacFarlane, Charles, 57.1

Mack, Robert E., 86.10

McMaster, John Bach, 85.2

Magnolia, The, 68.1

Marvel, Ik, 84.18, 88.28, 90.41

Marzials, Theo, 83.15

Mason, Edward G., 90.13

Maund, Benjamin, 78.1

May, Sophie, 70.3

Mayer, Alfred M., 87.3

Medicus, 84.13

Meredith, Owen, 88.30, 90.42

Meriwether, Lee, 86.11

Michelangelo, 85.12

Middy, A, 87.1

Miller, Olive Thorne, 88.16

Mitchell, Donald Grant, 84.18, 88.28, 90.41

Mitford, Mary Russell, 80.1

Modern Ghosts, 90.18

Moore, Thomas, X.5

Moral and Religious Souvenir, The, 27.4

Mother Goose's Melodies, 79.3

Mouchot, Ludovic, 89.27

Mulock, Dinah Maria, 88.3, X.9

Munroe, Kirk, 88.12

Murray, D. Christie, 90.30

Murray, James A. H., 84.4

Nason, Emma Huntington, 88.20

Nesbit, Edith, 86.10

Nesbit, Evelyn, X.22

New English Dictionary, 84.4

Nichols, Laura D., 89.23

Niven, James C., 78.1

Nunes, Joseph A., 85.15

O'Keeffe, John, 75.5

Ober, Fred A., 90.12

Ogden, James, 57.2

Old Book Collector's Miscellany, The, 73.1

Oxenford, E., 89.14

Oxford English Dictionary, 84.4

Palgrave, Francis T., 89.7

Palmer, Loomis T., 79.1

Palmer, Ray, 84.11

Parsons, Alfred, 89.15

Parton, Sara Payson, 88.4

Paton, Noel, 61.1

Paull, Mrs. H. B., 84.2

Payne, John Howard, 81.13, 82.6, 85.14

Peck, George W., 83.1

Perkins, Norman Carolan, 85.6

Perrault, Charles, 88.6

Perry, Nora, 90.26

Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 53.1, 87.10, 89.18

Philadelphia International Exhibition of
1876, 77.1

Phillips, Richard, 19.1

Phoebe, the Cottage Maid, 11.2

Pleasonton, A. J., 77.2

Pledge of Friendship, The, 25.2

Poe, Edgar Allan, 74.1, 81.18, 84.8, 85.10,
85.20, 86.8

Poems of the "Old South," 77.3, 79.5

Pollard, Alfred, 82.3

Pollard, Josephine, 85.17

Pollen, J. Hungerford, 85.22

Porter, Jane, 89.5, X.11

Porter, Linn B., 89.8

Postgate, Isa J., X.17

Posy of Winter Roses, A, X.23

Pouchet, F.-A., 70.1

Proceedings at the Dinner [for Holmes], 83.18

Pyle, Howard, 86.12

Read, Thomas Buchanan, 81.14-15, 82.9

Reed, C. W., 88.22

Reid, Harvey, 84.7

Reid, Mayne, 89.1

Remember Me, 30.3

Richards, Laura E., X.19

Richardson, Henry Hobson, 88.17

Riley, James Whitcomb, 83.9

Roosevelt, Theodore, 88.5

Rorer, Mrs. S. T., 87.4

Rossetti, Christina, 74.2

Rothrock, J. T., 84.12

Royal Repository, The, 1795.1

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, The, 84.9

St. Julien, the Emigrant, 12.3

Saintsbury, George, 83.17

Sambourne, Linley, 85.16

Sancta Croce, 87.16

Schiller, Friedrich, 83.8

Scott, Walter, 85.7, 86.2, 87.5, 87.8, 90.3, X.6

Scudder, Horace E., 81.12

Sewell, Anna, 90.1

Shakespeare, William, 67.1, 67.3, 81.21, 82.14,

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 86.18

Shields, G. O., 90.35

Shillaber, B. P., 82.5

Sidney, Margaret, 90.28

Simms, William Gilmore, 90.5-9

Siva, 85.6

Skelding, Susie B., 83.20

Slade, Daniel Denison, 84.13

Smith, F. Hopkinson, 89.19

Smith, Hannah Whitall, 83.19

Smith, J. Denham, X.16

Smith, William, 75.2


Page 135

Souvenir, Le, 24.2, 25.3

Steel, A. G., 88.19

Sterne, Laurence, 84.3

Still, Louise Morgan, 90.40

Stirling-Maxwell, William, 78.3

Stoddard, Richard Henry, 75.5

Swan, Annie S., 84.16

Swan of Elegance, The, 14.2

Symonds, John Addington, 82.12

Talbot, Eleanor, 85.13

Talmage, T. DeWitt, 86.17

Tanner, Henry, 81.9

Taylor, John, 75.5

Tenney, Mrs. Sanborn, 68.2

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 67.2, 71.1, 81.7, 86.15

Thackeray, William Makepeace, X.20

Thayer, James Bradley, 84.14

Thomes, William H., 84.5

Thompson, Maurice, 86.4

Thomson, Thomas, 57.1

Thorpe, Rosa H., 82.7

Token, The, 27.5

Tolstoy, Leo, 88.7

Toplady, Augustus Montagu, 79.4, 83.12

Tourgée, Albion, 87.17

Tributes to Longfellow and Emerson, 82.13

Trollope, Anthony, 78.10

Troward, Amelia, 10.1-3, 11.2, 12.1-2, 14.1

Trowbridge, John Townsend, 78.4, 82.8

Tuckerman, Bayard, 89.9

Turrill, Charles B., 76.1

Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler, 88.17

Vedder, Elihu, 84.9

Verga, Giovanni, 90.20

Verne, Jules, 86.16

Walcot, Dr., 10.1-3, 11.2, 12.1-2, 14.1

Wallace, Lew, 89.16

Walworth, Jeannette H., 86.3

Washburne, E. B., 84.6

Washington, George, 89.26

Waterhouse, Elizabeth, 87.13

Weir, Harrison, X.3

Wharton, Grace, 90.33

Wharton, Philip, 90.33

Wheelock, John E., 84.19

White, Betsy Ann, 86.20

Whitfield, F., X.16

Whitman, Walt, 87.18, 89.25

Whittier, John Greenleaf, 90.24

Wiggin, Kate Douglas, 89.20

Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, X.14

Wilkins, Mary E., 83.13

Wilson, Augusta Evans, 87.6

Wood, Stanley, 89.11

Woodworth, Samuel, 81.17

Young Albert, the Roscius, 11.3-4

(2) Publishers and Series

British (London)

Ackermann, Rudolf, 24.1, 25.1, 26.1, 27.1, 28.1,
29.1, 30.1

"Badminton Library." See Longmans, Green

Baldwin, R., 03.1

Baynes (W.) & Son, 27.2

Bell, 78.1

Blackie, 57.1, 62.1, 70.1

Bradbury, Agnew, 78.2

Bradbury, Evans & Co., 67.1

"Chandos Classics." See Warne

Chapman & Hall, 70.2

Chatto & Windus, 86.5

"Emerald Series of Poets." See Griffin

Evance, J., 1795.1

Eyre, G. E., 49.1

Farran, Griffith, 86.10

Fisher, Son & Co., 44.1, 46.1, 47.1

Fuller, S. & J., 10.1-3, 11.1-4, 12.1-2, 14.1,

Godwin, M. J., 11.5

Griffin (Charles) & Co.: "Emerald Series of
Poets," 74.1

Griffith, Farran, O Keden & Welsh, 89.14

Groombridge & Sons, 62.2, 64.1, 65.2

Harris, John, 14.2

Hindley, Charles, 86.13

Hodder & Stoughton, X.6

"Illustrated Edition of the Poets." See

Jackson, Peter, 48.2, 49.2

Lewis, William, 19.1

Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, 60.1-3

Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green &
Longman, 32.1

Longmans, Green, 72.1, 84.15, 87.11, 89.21-22,
90.27; "Badminton Library," 88.19

Low, Sampson, 69.2, 86.16, 89.24, X.3

Macmillan, 69.3, 74.2, 76.3, 78.6, 82.10, 85.16

Marshall, 25.2

Moxon, Edward, 67.2

Nelson, Thomas, X.1

Novello, 83.15

"Parchment Library." See Paul (Kegan),


Page 136

Paul (Kegan), Trench, 85.19, 86.18, 87.14,
88.23; "Parchment Library," 81.18, 83.17,

Paul (Kegan), Trench, Trübner, 90.31

Phillips, Richard, 19.1

Poole, I., 28.3, 30.3

Reeves & Turner, 73.1, 78.9

Relfe, Lupton, 23.1, 24.3, 26.3

Richardson, W., 1795.1

Routledge, 79.6, 81.19-20, 88.26, 89.27-28,
90.37-39, X.8; "Illustrated Edition of the
Poets," X.5

Scott, Walter, 87.18

Smith, Elder, 82.12, 85.22

Spottiswoode, W., 49.1

Trübner, 79.7

Tuck (Raphael) & Sons, X.7

Virtue, 78.10

Wallis, I. & E., 12.3

Warne, Frederick, 77.8: "Chandos Classics,"

Westley & Davis, 28.4

Whittaker, 57.2

Whittingham, Charles, 89.31

Wightman & Cramp, 27.2

British (other than London)

Allbut & Daniel (Hanley), 87.1

Black, Adam & Charles (Edinburgh), 85.7,
86.2, 87.5, 90.3

Blackwood (Edinburgh), 61.1

Clarendon Press (Oxford), 84.4, 88.6, 89.7

Douglas, David (Edinburgh), 78.3

Galt (Manchester), 57.2

Lovejoy's Library (Reading), 87.13

Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier (Edinburgh),

American (New York)

American Art Union, 48.1

American Publishers: "Berkeley Series of
Books for Boys," 89.1

Appleton, 57.2, 65.1, 77.1, 81.1-3, 82.1, 84.1,
85.1-2, 87.2, 90.2, X.4; "Experimental
Science Series," 87.3; "International Education
Series," 89.2

Art Age Press, 86.9

Art Lithograph Publishing Co. (and
Munich), 89.3, X.17

Benziger, 86.1

"Berkeley Series of Books for Boys." See
American Publishers

Bonner's (Robert) Sons, 89.6

Bouton, J. W., 84.3

"Bric-a-Brac Series." See Scribner, Armstrong

Burt, A. L., 87.6

Cassell, 86.3, 87.7-8

Catholic Publication Society, 69.1

Century, 86.4, 88.5

Crowell, 88.7; "Luxembourg Edition," 90.4

Dillingham, Charles T., 77.6, 78.5, 82.6,
83.11-12, 84.10, 85.13, 86.15, 89.8

Dodd, Mead, 80.2, 83.3, 88.8, 89.9

Dunlap Society, 90.10

Dutton, 86.6, X.12, X.16, X.21-23

"Experimental Science Series." See Appleton

Gilliss Bros. & Turnure, 86.9

Harper, 77.4, 78.4, 80.3, 82.2-3, 84.8, 86.11-12,
87.9, 88.10-11, 89.15-16, 90.14-20, X.24;
"Young People Series," 88.12

Hurd & Houghton, 75.2

"International Education Series." See Appleton

Leavitt, George A., 68.1

Longworth, David, 01.1

"Luxembourg Edition." See Crowell

McLoughlin Bros., 85.17

Mann, Charles, 83.14

National Book Co., 90.29-30

Obpacher Bros. (and Munich), 88.22, X.28

Ogilvie, J. S., 85.18, 86.17

Putnam, 69.4, 78.8, 83.18, 84.17, 87.15, 89.26,

Randolph, Anson D. F., 82.11, 88.25

Schirmer, 90.40

Scribner, 84.18, 86.21, 87.19-20, 88.27-28,

Scribner, Armstrong: "Bric-a-Brac Series,"

Scribner, Welford & Armstrong, X.3

Sheldon & Co., 68.2

Stokes, 88.30, 90.42

Thompson, 84.19

White, Stokes & Allen, 83.20, 88.30

Worthington, R., 82.14

Wynkoop, Henry M., 67.3

"Young People Series." See Harper


Page 137

American (other than New York)

"Alta Edition." See Porter & Coates

American Humane Education Society (Boston),

American Sunday-School Union (Philadelphia),

Arnold & Co. (Philadelphia), 87.4

Belford, Clarke (Chicago), 80.1 (and Toronto),
81.4-5, 83.1, 84.2, 85.3-6, 89.5,
X.11; "Caxton Edition," 88.2-4, 89.4, X.910,

"Birthday Books." See Houghton Mifflin

Bosqui, Edward (San Francisco), 76.1

Brown, Taggard & Chase (Boston), 59.1-2

Carey & Lea (Philadelphia), 26.2

Carey, Lea & Carey (Philadelphia), 27.3, 28.2

Cassino, Samuel E. (Boston), 88.1

"Caxton Edition." See Belford, Clarke; Donohue,

Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger (Philadelphia),

Conkey (Chicago), X.14

Cupples, Upham (Boston), 83.2

Dana, Estes (Boston), X.18-19

Derby & Miller (Auburn, N.Y.), 50.1

DeWolfe, Fiske (Boston), X.15, X.20

Donnelley, Loyd (Chicago), 84.5

Donnelley, R. R. (Chicago), 89.10-11

Donohue, Henneberry (Chicago): "Caxton
Edition," 90.5-9

Ellis (Boston), 83.4

Estes & Lauriat (Boston), 81.6-7, 83.5-8,
85.8-10, 86.7-8, 88.9, 89.12-13, 90.12

Fairbanks, J. (Chicago), 79.1

Fergus Printing Co. (Chicago), 81.8-9, 84.6-7,

Gill, William F. (Boston), 77.3

Goodrich, S. G. (Boston), 27.5

Hislap (James) & Co. (New London, Conn.),

Hitt, George C. (Indianapolis), 83.9

Houghton Mifflin (Boston), 75.1, 81.10-12,
82.4, 84.9, 85.11, 87.10, 88.13-17, 89.17-20,
90.21-24; "Birthday Books," 81.10-11

Houghton, Osgood (Boston), 79.2-3

Illustrated Booklet Co. (Chicago), X.25

Jordan, Marsh (Boston), 88.18

King, Moses (Cambridge, Mass.), 82.5

Knight, Joseph (Boston), 90.25

Kohler Publishing Co. (Philadelphia), 83.10

Lawrence, C. F. (Worcester, Mass.), 86.14

Lee & Shepard (Boston), 70.3, 76.2, 77.5-6,
78.5, 79.4, 80.4, 81.13, 82.6-8, 83.11-12,
84.10-11, 85.12-13, 86.15, X.26

Lippincott (Philadelphia), 81.14-15, 82.9,
84.12, 85.14-15

Little, Brown (Boston), 84.13-14, 90.26

Lothrop, D. (Boston), 77.7, 81.16-17, 83.13,
87.12, 88.20, 89.23, 90.28

Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, X.27

McKay, David (Philadelphia), 89.25

Munsell's (Joel) Sons (Albany, N.Y.), 88.21

Old South Fair Committee (Boston), 79.5

Osgood, James R. (Boston), 71.1, 83.16

Poole, A. P. (Philadelphia), 24.2, 25.3

Porter & Coates (Philadelphia), 78.7, 90.3233,
X.29; "Alta Edition," 88.24

Poulson, Zachariah (Philadelphia), 1791.1

Providence Press Co. (Providence, R.I.), 86.19

Rand, McNally (Chicago), 90.35

Revell (Chicago), 83.19

Rice, Franklin P. (Worcester, Mass.), 87.16

Rice & Drake (Waltham, Mass.), 86.20

Roberts Bros. (Boston), 85.21, 87.17, 90.36

Simpkins, N. S. (Boston), 27.4

Smith, J. Stilman (Boston), 88.29

Thayer, Frank S. (Denver), X.30

Thorndike (Detroit), 81.21

Whidden (Boston), 90.43

Whittet & Shepperson (Richmond, Va.), 80.5,

Williams, A. (Boston), 82.13

Winston (Philadelphia), X.31

(3) Libraries

American Antiquarian Society, 76.2

Amherst College, 90.23

Beinecke (Yale University), 90.36

Bodleian (Oxford): John Carter Collection,
78.3, 89.14, 90.3; John Johnson Collection,
24.1, 25.1-2, 26.1, 26.3, 28.4, 30.1, 57.2

Chapin (Williams College), 68.1

Georgetown University, 29.1, 89.6

Houghton (Harvard University), 61.1, 72.1,
83.1; Widener Collection, 11.5

Kent State University, 74.2, 87.7, 88.27

Library of Congress, 27.3, 28.2

Lilly (Indiana University), 1791.1, 57.2, 81.18,
84.4, 84.15, 85.19-20, 87.11, 87.14, 88.6,
88.19, 88.23, 89.22, 90.27, 90.31

Massey College (University of Toronto),
24.3, 26.1, 27.2, 29.1

Monash University, 27.1, 60.3


Page 138

Morgan (Pierpont), 14.2

National Library of Canada, 90.11

New York University: Fales Collection,
89.16, 90.16, 90.18, 90.20

Newberry (Chicago), 88.17

Ohio State University: William Charvat
Collection, 85.18, 89.8

Pennsylvania State University, 23.1, 26.2,
27.3, 27.5, 28.2, 87.10

Princeton University: Robert H. Taylor
Collection, 69.3

Southern Methodist University, 57.2

Toronto Public Library: Osborne Collection,
10.1-3, 11.1-3, 12.1-3, 14.1, 82.10, 85.16

University of California at Los Angeles,
44.1, 46.1

University of Virginia: C. Waller Barrett
Collection, 83.13, 83.16, 85.21, 88.12, 88.29,
90.14, 90.17

Victoria State Library, 23.1

Yale Center for British Art, 62.2, 64.1, 65.2

(4) Collectors

Abbey, J. R., 1795.1

Alderson, Brian (Richmond, North Yorkshire),
11.4, 30.2

Balston Thomas, 60.1

Barnes, Richard S. (Chicago, Evanston), 88.17

Barrett, C. Waller (Charlottesville). See
Libraries: University of Virginia

Barringer, George M. and Penelope C.
(Arlington, Va.), 71.1

Blanck, Jacob (Cambridge, Mass.), 76.2, 77.5,
82.7, 83.20, 85.9

Carter, John (London), 32.1. See also Libraries:

Charvat, William (Columbus, Ohio). See
Libraries: Ohio State

d'Arch Smith, Timothy (London), 82.12

Doheny, Estelle: sale (Christie's, New York,
17-18 October 1988), 69.4

Ewing, Douglas C. (New York), 76.3

Fales, De Coursey. See Libraries: New York

Gilvarry, James (New York): sale (Christie's,
New York, 7 February 1986), 78.6

Goodacre, Selwyn H. (Burton-on-Trent),
19.1, 24.1

Gullans, Charles (Los Angeles), 89.17

Hayford, Harrison (Evanston, Ill.), 84.8

Isaac, Peter C. G. (Wylam), 73.1, 78.9, 86.13

Johnson, John. See Libraries: Bodleian

Kleist, Herbert (Cambridge, Mass.), 81.13,
83.2, 86.6, 88.24, 88.30, 89.31, 90.42

Leavell, Charles H. (El Paso), 88.5

Lemperley, Paul: sale (Parke-Bernet, 4-5
January 1940), 83.9

Levin, Edward S. See Morris, Ellen K.

Long, B. S., 46.1, 47.1, 48.2, 49.2

Mac Donnell, Kevin (Austin, Texas), 26.2,
27.3, 28.1-2

Malcolm, Sandy (London), 84.4

Martin, H. Bradley: sale (Sotheby's, New
York, 30-31 January 1990), 83.9, 88.18

Morris, Ellen K., and Edward S. Levin (Los
Angeles), 25.3, 26.1, 28.1, 28.4, 29.1, 30.1,
49.1, 67.1, 74.1, 81.10, 82.3, 83.10, 84.8,
85.13, 86.1, 87.11, 89.27-28, X.5

Muir, P. H. (Blakeney), 79.6-7

Munby, A. N. L. (Cambridge, England): sale
(Sotheby's, London, 5 April 1976), 1795.1

Newton, A. Edward, 70.2

Osborne, Edgar. See Libraries: Toronto Public

Porter, John, 03.1

Renier, Anne, 22.1

Shelley, Philip (State College, Pa.), 24.2, 25.3,
28.1, 29.1

Stoddard, Roger E. (Lincoln, Mass.), 87.17

Swann, Arthur: sale (Parke-Bernet, 22 March
1960), 83.9

Tanselle, G. Thomas (New York), 01.1, 77.3,
77.6-7, 81.17, 82.8, 83.5, 83.17, 84.5-7,
84.11, 84.18, 85.2, 85.6, 85.8, 85.14, 86.18,
86.20, 87.19, 88.3, 88.14, 89.16, 89.19,
89.29, 90.5-9, 90.22, X.14

Taylor, Robert H. (Princeton). See Libraries:

Vander Meulen, David L. (Charlottesville),

Widener, Harry Elkins, 11.5

Yerkes, David (Salisbury, Conn.), 84.4

Zinman, Michael (Ardsley, N.Y.), 25.3, 26.2,
27.3-4, 28.1-2, 50.1, 59.1, 67.3, 75.2, 77.2,


Page 139

(5) Dealers and Auction Houses

Allen, D. C. (Philadelphia), 88.28

Antiquariat Hindrichs (Fredericksburg, Va.),

Baring, Peter, 60.2-3

Beauchamp Bookshop (Stanley Smith; London),
46.1, 47.1

Black Sun Books (New York), 83.9

Blackwell's (Oxford), 26.1

Bookmark, The (Mark Godburn; Salisbury,
Conn.), 76.2

Books of Wonder (New York), 88.18, 88.27

Boss, Thomas (Boston), 90.21

Bradley, Van Allen (Chicago), 90.32

Brick Row Bookshop (San Francisco), 86.17

Burmester, James (Bath), 78.10

Christie's (New York). See Collectors: Doheny;

Cummins, James (New York), 74.2

Dauber & Pine (New York), 81.3

Deighton, Bell (Cambridge, England), 74.2

DeVal & Muir (Takeley), 26.1

Feldman, L. D. (New York), 57.1

Ferret Fantasy (George Locke; London),
86.16; Thirty Years of Dustwrappers,
(February 1988), 84.16, 85.7,
86.2, 86.10, 87.5, 87.13, X.6

Finer, Steve (Greenfield, Mass.), 84.12, 88.8

Gekoski (London), 78.6

Goodspeed (Boston), 69.2, 78.8

Hale, William (Georgetown, D.C.), 89.27

Heritage Book Shop (Los Angeles), 77.8

Hime, Melissa and Mark (Biblioasis; Idyllwild,
Calif.), 86.5

Hindman (Leslie) Auctioneers (Chicago).
See Lawrence

Hordern House (Sydney), 89.24

Hunley, Maxwell (South Pasadena), 89.11

Hurley Books (Westmoreland, N.H.), 28.2

Juvelis, Priscilla (Boston, Cambridge), 83.11,
84.1, 84.14, 88.27, 89.4, 89.23, X.7

Kane Antiquarian Auction (Pottstown, Pa.),

Kohn, John S. Van E. (New York), 65.1,

Lawrence, J. Stephan (Chicago): sale (Leslie
Hindman Auctioneers, Chicago, 4-5 June
1983), 90.32

Leach, Ken (Brattleboro, Vt.), 26.1, 28.2,
80.2, 84.8, 84.14; sale (Oinonen Book
Auctions, Sale No. 71, Northampton,
Mass., 10 June 1984: The Ken Leach Collection
of Nineteenth Century American
Books in Original Dust Jackets and Boxes
48.1, 53.1, 59.2, 68.2, 70.3, 75.3-5, 76.1,
77.1, 77.4-5, 78.4-5, 78.7-8, 79.2-4, 80.1-5,
81.1-2, 81.4, 81.6-7, 81.12-17, 81.21, 82.2-3,
82.5-6, 82.9, 82.14, 83.4, 83.6-8, 83.12,
83.14, 83.19, 84.2-3, 84.7-8, 84.10-14, 84.17,
84.19, 85.3-4, 85.11-12, 85.14-15, 85.17,
86.4, 86.7, 86.11-12, 86.14-15, 87.3-4,
87.8-9, 87.12, 87.15-16, 88.2, 88.4, 88.8-11,
88.13, 88.15-16, 88.18, 88.20-22, 88.25,
89.1-2, 89.5-6, 89.9-10, 89.12, 89. 15-16,
89.18-19, 89.26, 90.2, 90.4, 90.12, 90.19,
90.25-26, 90.28-30, 90.32, 90.34-35, 90.38,
90.40-41, 90.43, X.1, X.3-4, X.8-13, X.1528,

Leaves of Grass (Ann Arbor), 90.10

Mac Donnell Rare Books (Austin, Texas),
27.2, 28.3, 69.4, 77.5-6, 79.4-5, 83.3, 84.14,
85.1, 85.5, 85.10, 86.15, 87.6, 87.18, 88.1,
88.7, 89.20, 90.11, 90.22, 90.24, X.14, X.29

Minkoff, George R. (Alford, Mass.), 88.29

Morrill, Edward (Boston), 82.11

Mott, Howard S. (Sheffield, Mass.), 27.3;
86.3, 86.9

O'Neal, David L. (New Ipswich, N.H.), 85.14

Oinonen Book Auctions. See Leach

Palinurus (Stockton, N.J.), 81.5

Parke-Bernet Galleries (New York), 88.5. See
Collectors: Lemperley; Swann

Parkhurst, Charles (Prescott, Ariz.), 69.4

Phillips Hill Books (Manchester, N.H.), 84.9

Pirages, Philip J. (McMinnville, Ore.), 81.20

Reese, William S. (New Haven), 83.9, 88.26

Robinson, Cedric L. (Guilford, Conn.), 85.14

Rota, Bertram (London), 76.3

Rulon-Miller, Robert (Minneapolis), 69.4,

Sawyer, Charles (London), 1795.1

Scholar Gypsy (Thomas J. Joyce; Geneva,
Ill.), 82.4

Scribner Book Store (New York), 60.1

Selected Works (Chicago), 89.13

Serendipity Books (Berkeley), 81.17, 87.20,

Seven Gables Bookshop (New York), 30.3

Sotheby's (London, New York). See Collectors:
Martin; Munby

Sumner & Stillman (Yarmouth, Me.), 90.21

Swann Galleries (New York), 76.3

Tamerlane Books (Havertown, Pa.), 89.3

Tavistock Books (Vic Zoschak; Alameda,
Calif.), 85.8, 86.13

Titcomb's Book Shop (Cape Cod), 81.8

Ulysses Bookshop (London), 85.22


Page 140

Waiting for Godot Books (Hadley, Mass.),

Wilder Books (Elmhurst, Ill.), 27.1, 81.4,
81.8, 81.19, 82.1, 83.15, 84.6-7, 84.14,
86.8, 87.1-2, 87.13, 88.22, 89.7, 89.31, 90.1,
90.22, 90.32, 90.37, X.2

Ximenes Book Shop (New York), 86.18

Yale, Charles (Pasadena), 57.2

(6) Scholars

(and other persons who have provided information, not covered
under previous headings, in published or unpublished form)

Adams, Frederick B., 76.3

Alderson, Brian, and Felix de Marez Oyens:
Be Merry and Wise: Origins of Children's
Publishing in England, 1650-1850
11.3, 12.3, 14.2

Bennett, Josiah Q., 1791.1, 89.22

Carter, John, 32.1, 57.1, 60.1, 62.1, 70.1-2,
76.3, 78.1

Crane, Joan St.C.: "Rare or Seldom-Seen Dust
Jackets of American First Editions: XII,"
Serif, 10.2 (Summer 1973), 37-39: 90.14

d'Arch Smith, Timothy, 82.12

de Marez Oyens, Felix. See Alderson, Brian

Eckel, John C., 70.2

Fair, Anthony, 88.5

Goodacre, Selwyn H., 76.3

Graham, Alexander S., 90.15

Hayes, John S., 85.16

Hayford, Harrison, 88.28

Isaac, Peter C. G.: "Some Early Book-Jackets,"
Library, 5th ser., 30 (1975), 51-52: 73.1,
78.9, 86.13

Jamieson, Eleanore: "The Binding Styles of
the Gift Books and Annuals," in F. W.
Faxon, Literary Annuals and Gift Books
(1973 reprint), pp. 7-17: 22.1, 23.1, 26.3

Keller, Dean H.: "Some Early Dust Jackets
in the Kent State University Library's
Department of Special Collections," Serif,
8.4 (December 1971), 33-34: 74.2, 87.7,

King, Raphael, 70.2, 76.3

Levin, Edward S., 29.1, 81.11

Mac Donnell, Kevin: "American Gift Books,"
Firsts, 11.10 (December 2001), 26-51:
26.2, 27.3, 28.1-2

McLean, Ruari: Victorian Publishers' Book-Bindings
in Paper
(1983), 03.1, 24.3, 26.1,
27.2, 29.1

Macmanus, M. J., 69.1

McMullin, B. J.: "Precursors of the `Dust
Wrapper,' " Bulletin of the Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand,

24 (2000), 257-266: 23.1, 27.1, 60.2-3, 78.10

Magee, David, 57.2

Matthews, Hugoe, 89.21

Miller, George, 89.21

Morris, Ellen K., 29.1

Muir, P. H., 79.6

Newton, A. Edward, 70.2

Powers, Alan, 30.2

Quayle, Eric, 67.2, 78.2

Randall, David A., 57.1

Renier, Anne: Friendship's Offering: An
Essay on the Annuals and Gift Books of
the 19th Century
(1964), 22.1, 28.1

Rosner, Charles: The Growth of the Book-Jacket
(1954), 27.3, 28.2, 32.1, 57.1, 60.1,
65.1, 69.2, 70.2, 75.1, 76.3, 81.3, 82.13,
83.18, 86.19, 90.15

Russo, Anthony J. and Dorothy R., 83.9

St. John, Judith: The Osborne Collection of
Early Children's Books
(1958-75), 10.1-3,
11.1-3, 12.1-3, 14.1

Smith, Walter E., 70.2

Tanner, Terence, 81.9, 90.13

Tanselle, G. Thomas, 1795.1; "Book-Jackets,
Blurbs, and Bibliographers," Library,
5th ser., 26 (1971), 91-134: 32.1, 44.1,
46.1, 57.1, 61.1, 76.3, 82.8, 88.5

Tibbetts, Robert A.: "Nineteenth Century
Dust Jackets in the William Charvat
Collection of the Ohio State University
Libraries," Serif, 10.2 (Summer 1973),
42-43: 85.18, 89.8

Weidemann, Kurt, 32.1

Wells, Edgar H., 70.2

Williams, I. A., 46.1, 47.1, 48.2, 49.2

Wilson, Carroll A., 27.3, 28.2, 75.1, 82.13,

Winterich, John T., 57.1, 86.19