University of Virginia Library


The following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the Board express to Lady Nancy Astor on her eighty-first birthday the University's best wishes to her
and its warm appreciation of her demonstrated loyalty to this institution. Not only has she made tangible
gifts, such as generous contributions to the University Library and to the tennis courts which
are named in her honor, but over the years and in more intangible ways she has shown her devotion to
Virginia and to its University. With wit, affection, and gaiety of spirit she has delighted and
assisted untold students and alumni. It seems appropriate that we should greet her on this occasion,
extend to her the University's good wishes and esteem; express our pride in her as a loyal Virginian
of international distinction, and voice the hope that she will soon return to visit Albemarle County
and Mr. Jefferson's University.