University of Virginia Library



Mr. Carrington, Chairman of the Athletic Committee, asked Judge Barksdale to state the
position of the Committee in the matter of the National Collegiate Athletic Association regulations.
Judge Barksdale replied that the Committee recommended that the University not resign from the NCAA,
but that between now and January 1, 1950 a letter be prepared setting forth the position of the University
in this matter.

It is the sense of the Committee that the University go to the NCAA with a positive program
for changes in the Sanity Code. The Rector stated that he believed the officials of the University
should consult with other institutions who feel that the NCAA regulations should be modified.

Mr. Gravatt stated it was his impression that Captain Pritchett was opposed to our associating
ourselves with any club seeking to amend the NCAA Code because he believes that the NCAA will
split off into regional groups. Captain Pritchett feels that it would be better for us to wait
until these regional groups are organized, and then to decide which group it would be to our best
advantage to join. The Rector requested the Athletic Committee to consider the following questions
and to make appropriate recommendations not later than the December meeting of the Board

1. What is our own policy going to be?

2. What are other universities doing?

3. How far can we go with them?

4. Who should represent the University at the January meeting of the NCAA?