![]() | Board of Visitors minutes April 19, 1917 | ![]() |
The Chairman of the Committee on R. L. Parrish bequest
had submitted his bill for fees and expenses in the amount of
$825.75, which was ordered paid.
Prof. Armistead M. Dobie made application for a leave
of absence in order to enter the Reserve Officers' Training
Corps, which upon the recommendation of President Alderman,
was granted in the following resolution:
RESOLVED. That leave of absence during the war, be granted
Prof. A. M. Dobie, with pay until September 15, 1917.
Upon the recommendation of President Alderman, a leave
of absence to Dr. W. A. Kepner foe the session of 1917-18,
on half-pay, was granted. It is understood that Dr. Kepner
wishes to take advantage of a scholarship at Johns Hopkins
University, offering him the opportunity for valuable research
work. The remainder of Dr. Kepner's salary is to
be used to furnish his substitutes.
Upon the recommendation of President Alderman, a Special
Committee on economy in heat and light was appointed, consisting
of the President, Dr. Lambeth, Prof. Newcomb, Dr. Faulkner
and Prof. Hancock.
President Alderman then announced the following gifts to
the University:
$10,000 from Mrs. Charles H. Senff for improvement of
buildings and grounds,
$ 4,700 Leander McCormick as follows:
$3500 from Leander McCormick Estate, increase of
$1500 over last year;
$1000 from Columbia University from the Special
Adams Fellowship;
$200 from the National Academy of Sciences for
research on meteors.
$3,000 from Mr. Thomas F. Pyan for flag pole.
$1,000 a year for three years, from Mr. Samuel Sachs,
for establishment of a Lectureship in Art.
$ 400 to Pathological Laboratory as follows:
$200 from Dr. Hugh Young, and
$200 from Mr. Ben Griswold - both for research.
$ 250 from Delta Psi Fraternity for any purpose in
connection with military preparation.
$ 200 in various small gifts for James Rogers McConnell
$ 60 from National Society of Colonial Dames for
Kate Cabell Cox Scholarships.
Promotions in the teaching staff were announced by the President
as follows:
Acting Dean Theodore Hough to Dean of Medical School.
Associate Professor James Alexander Waddell to Professor
of Pharmacology and Materia Medica.
Associate Professor W. S. Rodman to Professor of
Electrical Engineering.
Adjunct Professor C. M. Sparrow to Associate Professor
of Physics.
Adjunct Professor L. R. Whipple to be officially designated
as Director of the School of Journalism.
Instructor J. H. Neff to Adjunct Professor of Genito-Urinary
The President announced the following resignations, which were
Dr. Charles Alphonso Smith as Poe Professor of English.
Dr. Graham Edgar as Associate Professor of Chemistry.
Mr. L. S. Pratt as Adjunct Professor of Chemistry.
President Alderman was requested to prepare a resolution which
was adopted as follows:
The Rector and Visitors and the President desire to place
on record their deep sense of regret at the resignation of
the above named members of the teaching staff of the University
of Virginia, and to record their gratitude for the able
and devoted service rendered to the University by these
gentlemen during their term of service.
Upon recommendation of President Alderman, Mr. Charles S.
Venable was elected Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at a salary
Dr. Alderman announced to the Board that it was his
purpose to turn into the Bursar's Office the income on the
$250,000. gift, now on deposit with the Guaranty Trust Co.
at 3% interest, to aid in meeting the deficit caused by the
increased cost of coal for the present fiscal year, and
that he would also turn in the said income for the session
of 1917-18, as set out in the budget.
The President was authorized to grant to members of the
faculty use of University land for agricultural purposes for
raising food.
A letter was presented and read from the Secretary
of the Miller Board of Trustees, concerning the residence
for the Professor of Biology and Agriculture. The matter
was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Michie,
Gordon and President Alderman, with power to act.
Upon the recommendation of President Alderman, the following
committees were appointed:
President Alderman, ex officio Chairman,
Professor W. H. Echols, Vice-Chairman,
Professor A. M. Dobie, Secretary,
Dean J. M. Page,
Dean W. M. Thornton,
Dean Theodore Hough,
Professor H. T. Marshall,
Professor C. G. Maphis,
Professor J. L. Newcomb,
Colonel James A. Cole,
Dean W. M. Lile,
Professor A. M. Dobie,
Professor G. B. Eager,
Dean Theodore Hough,
Professor S. H. Watts,
Professor H. T. Marshall,
Professor J. C. Flippin,
Professor W. S. Rodman,
Professor R. M. Bird,
Professor Charles Hancock.
Dean R. H. Dabney,
Professor W. H. Faulkner,
Professor S. A. Mitchell,
Professor L. G. Hoxton,
Professor Ivey F. Lewis,
Professor T. L. Watson.
Correspondence of President Alderman with the Secretary
of War with reference to detailing an officer to serve as
Instructor in Military Science and Tactics at the University:
March 27, 1917.
Washington, D. C.
In accordance with a resolution of the Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia, I am hereby making
application for the establishment, at this University, of one
or more units of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Senior
Division, in accordance with the provision of an Act of Congress
entitled an "Act for making further and more effectual
provision for the national defense and for other purposes".
I enclose herewith an application blank duly filled
out, provided on p. 37 of General Order 49. If it is not
possible for the Department to act under the terms of the new
Army Bill, I heartily beg that, under the old law, an officer
be detailed here as quickly as possible to take charge of the
situation, with a view to organizing the University for the
most useful military service. There are reasons why it might
in military service, detailed here. Our desire, however,
is for the most efficient man of West Point training.
Hoping you can give this matter prompt attention,
I am,
University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Va.
Washington, April 2, 1917.
Special orders,
No. 75.
x x x x x24. By direction of the President, Lieut. Col. James
A. Cole, United States Army, retired, is detailed under
the provisions of the act of Congress, approved June 3,
1916, as professor of military science and tactics at the
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., and will
report in person to the president of the university for
duty accordingly.
(2561121, A. G. O.)
x x x x xBy order of the Secretary of War:
Major General, Chief of Staff.
H. P. McCain,
The Adjutant General.
Upon the recommendation of President Alderman, Lt. Col.
James A. Cole, was elected Professor of Military Science and
Tactics, subject to the pleasure of the Board and under the
terms of the National Defense Act.
In order that the necessary arms and equipment be secured
from the Federal Government for instruction in Military Science
and Tactics, the Rector was authorized to execute a bond therefor,
as set out in the following resolution, which was unanimously
RESOLVED, That Armistead C. Gordon, Rector of the University
of Virginia, be and he is hereby authorized to execute for
and in the name of the University of Virginia, abond in the
penal amount of $5,420, in the form required by the War
Department, to insure the safe-keeping and return, when
required by the Secretary of War, of certain military equipment.
Upon the recommendation of the General Faculty, and with the
approval of Dr. Alderman, it was
RESOLVED: That the present session terminates on May 31st,
in order that the students so desiring may enter the Plattsburg
Training Camps, opening on June 2nd.
The following were ordered spread upon the minutes:
Resolution adopted by the General Faculty
March 15, 1917.
Resolved: That the Board of Visitors be requested to empower
the Faculty to give credit for this proposed
Military Course toward any degree which they may
select as proper for such credit, and upon such
conditions as may seem wise to the Faculty, and
the credits provided for in Exhibits "A", "B",
"C" and "D" are hereby approved.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes April 19, 1917 | ![]() |