University of Virginia Library


Professor Davis.—In this school are taught the Law of Nature
and Nations, the Science of Government, Constitutional Law, the Common
and Statute Law, Equity, and Maritime and Commercial Law.

This school is divided into two classes. The text-books studied by
the junior class, are Vattel's Law of Nature and of Nations, the Federalist,
the Virginia Report of '99, and Blackstone's Commentaries.
Those studied by the senior, are Coke upon Littleton, (Thomas's edition,)
Stephen on Pleading, Starkie on Evidence, (the first vol.) Toller
on Executors, Chitty on Contracts, Bayley on Bills, Fonblanque's
Equity, and Mitford's Pleadings; to which it is proposed to add a treatise
on Commercial and Maritime Law.

On these books, prelections are delivered by the Professor, in which
it is his object to supply what is deficient and explain what is obscure
in the text, to refer in connection with it to the leading cases and authorities,
American and English, illustrative of the topic under consideration,
and generally, to offer such comments as he deems necessary to
its thorough understanding. In these prelections, the statute law of
Virginia and the United States, and its effects on the pre-existing law


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are particularly explained. Each prelection is preceded by an exami-,
nation on the last together with its text.

On government, and on various topics of National, Constitutional and
Municipal Law, not discussed in the text-books, lectures are delivered;
on which, also, the class are examined.

Students not wishing to study Municipal Law, can enter for that portion
only of the junior course, which embraces National Law, Government
and Constitutional Law; which portion, those wishing to study
Municipal Law only, can if they choose omit.

The students of this school have instituted a Law Society, at
the meetings of which the Professor presides. In it, questions connected
with the studies of the school are discussed, fictitious cases litigated
in the form of regular pleadings, and the issues produced decided
in the appropriate mode, and the members exercised in conveyancing
by having to prepare and submit to the Society the necessary deeds to
effectuate supposed agreements, &c.

Religious exercises are performed at the University every Sunday,
by a Minister of the Gospel, residing there, whose services are rendered
on the private invitation of the Professors, Officers and Students.