University of Virginia Library


Conduct.—The laws of the University require from every student decorous,
sober, and upright conduct as long as he remains a member of the University,
whether he be within the precincts or anywhere else. Drunkenness, gambling,
and dissoluteness are strictly forbidden, and the President may dismiss from
the University for the residue of the current session every student found
guilty of them, or may administer such other discipline as seems best under
the circumstances.

The President will dismiss from the University every student convicted
of public drunkenness, or of other conduct reflecting serious discredit upon
the University.

In all cases of discipline, the law requires that the student must first be
informed of the objection to his conduct and afforded an opportunity of
explanation and defense.

The publication or sale of anonymous publications is forbidden.

Motor driven vehicles either owned or operated by students are prohibited
from parking in the roadways or elsewhere on the University grounds between
the hours of 9:00 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. At no time may they park in the alleys,
near fire hydrants, or on curves. However, students suffering from serious
physical disability may be granted permits to park.