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All inquiries concerning and all applications for scholarships and fellowships
should be addressed to the Dean of the University.


The Alabama Federation of Women's Clubs Scholarship in the College
of Arts and Sciences or the Department of Graduate Studies. Emolument,
the remission of the tuition fee. Founded in 1916. The holder must be a
student from Alabama who is in need of financial assistance. Appointments
are made upon the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee of the
Alabama Federation of Women's Clubs.

The Valentine Birely Scholarship, with an income of two hundred and
fifty dollars. Founded in 1888 upon the bequest of Mrs. Evelina Seevers
Birely, in honor of her husband, Valentine Birely, of Frederick, Maryland.
Awarded to a young man from the State of Maryland, preference being given
to an applicant from the city or county of Frederick.

The Thompson Brown Scholarship, with an income of ninety dollars.
Founded in 1871. Appointments are made upon the recommendation of Dr.
Charles S. Venable, of San Antonio, Texas.

The Henry Coalter Cabell Scholarship in the Department of Graduate
Studies, with an income of one hundred dollars. Founded in 1903 upon the
gift of Mrs. Kate Cabell Claiborne and Captain Henry Cabell, of Richmond,
Virginia. Appointments are made upon the recommendation of the Professor
of English Literature.

The Isaac Cary Scholarships: two or more at the discretion of the Cary
trustees, who have at their disposal for this purpose five hundred and seventy
dollars a year. Founded in 1883 upon the bequest of Isaac L. Cary, of
Richmond, Virginia. The holder must be "a poor and deserving young
man." Appointments are made upon the recommendation of the trustees.

The William C. Folkes Scholarships: four, with an income of four hundred
and fifty dollars each. Founded in 1913 upon the bequest of Edward
J. Folkes, of Lynchburg, Virginia, in honor of William C. Folkes, '65. The
holders must be residents of Lynchburg or of Campbell County, Virginia.
Appointments are made upon the recommendation of the Judge of the Corporation
Court of Lynchburg, the Judge of the Circuit Court, and the Judge
of the County Court of Campbell County.

The James Rufus Humphrey Scholarship, with an income of three hundred
dollars. Founded in 1923 upon the bequest of James Rufus Humphrey,
of Loudoun County, Virginia. Award will be made by the Rector and Visitors
to a needy and deserving male student in any department of the University.


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The McCormick Scholarship: emolument, the remission of the tuition
and university fees. Founded in 1882 in honor of the late Leander J. McCormick,
to whose generosity the University owes the astronomical observatory.
Appointments are made upon the recommendation of Mr. Robert
Hall McCormick, of Chicago.


The College Fellowships: one for each of a list of colleges selected by
the faculty; emolument, for Virginians, the remission of the university fee
$50; for non-Virginians, the remission of $180 of the tuition fee and $30 of
the university fee. The holder must be a graduate of one of the designated
colleges, and must enter the University the session following his
graduation. Appointments are made upon the recommendation of these colleges,
a list of which may be had upon application to the Dean of the University.

The Du Pont Fellowship in Chemistry, with an income of seven hundred
and fifty dollars, given by the E. I. du Pont de Nemours Company of
Wilmington, Del., with the object of encouraging research in Chemistry.

The Elizabeth B. Garrett Fellowship. Founded in 1918 upon the bequest
of Mrs. Elizabeth B. White of Baltimore, Maryland. Emolument, $280.
Appointments are made upon the recommendation of the Dean of the Department
of Graduate Studies.

The Bennett Wood Green Fellowships: two, with a maximum tenure of
four years, and a yearly income of six hundred dollars each. Founded in 1914
upon the bequest of Dr. Bennett Wood Green, '55, of Warwick County, Virginia.
The holder must have received one of the degrees mentioned below not
more than four years previous to his application, and must spend the tenure of
his scholarship in study abroad or wherever else the faculty may require. The
holders are appointed upon the recommendation of the faculty. In making
appointments, preference will be given: (1) to Doctors of Medicine of this
university who are also Master of Arts of the University; (2) to Masters of
Arts of the University; (3) to Bachelors of Laws of the University who are
also Master of Arts of the University; and in all cases to native Virginians,
and then to native residents of other Southern States.

The John Y. Mason Fellowship, with an income of three hundred and
fifty dollars. Founded in 1892 upon the gift of Col. Archer Anderson, '58,
of Richmond, Virginia. The holder must be a competent and deserving student,
who was born in Virginia, in need of such assistance.

The Phelps-Stokes Fellowship in Sociology for the study of the Negro,
with an income of five hundred dollars. Founded in 1911, upon the gift of
the Trustees of the Phelps-Stokes Fund. The holder must be a graduate
student in residence at this university, and must plan his courses in accordance
with certain specific requirements of the Phelps-Stokes Fellowship


Page 14
Committee. He must, furthermore, pursue research work concerning the
negro in the South; encourage investigation and a wider general interest in
the negro problem among the students of the University and of other colleges
in Virginia: procure lectures upon negro topics for the University, to
be delivered by lecturers approved in advance by the committee; prepare a
report embodying the results of his work during incumbency; and write a
thesis upon some subject approved in advance by the committee; which
thesis must be submitted in completed form or in satisfactory abstract not
later than May 15 of the year of the holder's incumbency. In awarding the
fellowship, preference will be given to students in the Department of Graduate
Studies, but applications from students in the professional departments
will also be considered.

The Rector and Visitors Fellowships in the Schools of English, English
Literature, and Romanic Languages: three, with an income of two hundred
dollars each, and the remission of all fees. The holder must be a
graduate student, and must devote a portion of his time to work connected
with one of the designated Schools. Appointments are made upon the recommendation
of the professors in charge.

Research Fellowships in Biology: five; two with an income of $1,000
each, three with an income of $500 each, all with free tuition. For particulars,
see statement on page 21. Applications should be made to the Director
of the Blandy Experimental Farm, University. Va., not later than
April 1.

The William Cabell Rives Fellowship in History, with an income of
two hundred and fifty dollars, and the remission of all fees. Founded in
1905, upon the gift of Dr. William Cabell Rives, of Washington, D. C., in
honor of his grandfather, William Cabell Rives, the distinguished statesman.
The holder must be a graduate student, and must devote a portion
of his time to work connected with the School of History. Appointments
are made upon the recommendation of the Professors of History.

The Teaching Fellowships in Chemistry: six, with an income of five
hundred dollars each. Founded in 1919. The holder must have a baccalaureate
degree from a college or university of recognized standing, and
must have received a thorough undergraduate training in chemistry and
physics. He will pursue graduate work in chemistry and related subjects,
and devote not more than fifteen hours a week to instructional work. Appointments
are made upon the recommendation of the School of Chemistry.
Applications should be sent to the Secretary of the Faculty of Chemistry.

The Teaching Fellowships in Economics: two, with an income of
$500.00 each. Founded in 1925. The holder must be a graduate student in
Economics and related subjects, and must devote a portion of his time to
instructional work in the Schools of Economics and Commerce. Appointments
are made upon the recommendation of the School of Economics.


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Teaching Fellowships in Physics. There are three of these with an
average income of $500 each. The amount in any one case is determined by
the special fitness of the applicant and is subject to a possible increase from
year to year. The holder must have a baccalaureate degree and must pursue
graduate studies with physics for his major subject. Should he develop
a special aptitude for research, his teaching duties will be lightened as much
as possible. Applications should be sent to the Director, Rouss Physical
Laboratory, University, Virginia.

The Vanderbilt Fellowships in Astronomy: three, with an income of
three hundred and fifty dollars each, and the remission of all fees. Founded
in 1896 in honor of William Henry Vanderbilt, of New York. The holder
must be a graduate student taking Astronomy as his major subject, and
must occupy a portion of his time in work connected with the observatory.
Appointments are made upon the recommendation of the Director of the


Applicants for loans, if not already registered as students in the University,
must have complied with all the requirements for entrance. All inquiries
concerning loans should be addressed to the Bursar.

Lelia S. Bennett Loan Fund.—Established in 1926 by a bequest of $5,000
by Mrs. Lelia S. Bennett of Albemarle County. Loans are made to deserving
students in any department of the University.

Fairfax Harrison Loan Fund.—Established in 1915 by the gift of $200
from Fairfax Harrison, of Washington, D. C. Loans from this fund are
made to deserving students in any department of the University.

Harvard Loan Fund.—The Harvard Loan Fund was established in February,
1909, by an alumnus of Harvard University, who gave to the University
of Virginia the sum of five thousand dollars as an evidence of the friendship
and kindly relations existing between the two institutions. Loans from
this fund will be made to needy and deserving students pursuing or intending
to pursue studies in any department of the University, in amounts not to
exceed one hundred dollars in any one session to a single student, at an annual
rate of interest of four per cent.

Kiwanis Club Loan Fund.—Established in 1922 by the gift of $100 annually
from the Charlottesville, Va., Kiwanis Club. Loans are made to deserving
Virginia students in any department of the University.

Robert E. Lee Loan Fund.—In October, 1914, a gift of ten thousand
dollars was made to the University by a veteran of the Federal Army, who
wished in this way to express his interest in this institution and his admiration
for General Lee. Loans from this fund will be made to deserving
students in any department who stand in need of such assistance.


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Lynchburg Alumni Chapter Loan Fund.—Established in 1915 by the
gift of $200, with an approximately equal sum annually, to be loaned to students
from Lynchburg and vicinity, upon the recommendation of the officers
of the Chapter.

Seven Society Loan Fund.—Established in June, 1915, by a gift of $500
from the Seven Society of the University. Loans are made to deserving students
in any department of the University.

The Henry Strong Educational Foundation.—From this fund established
under the will of General Henry Strong of Chicago, an annual allotment
is made to the University of Virginia for loan scholarships, available
for the use of young men and women students under the age of twenty-five
years, preferably in the upper classes, to aid them in obtaining a "practical,
literary, scientific, mechanical or business education."

Virginia Students' Loan Fund.—The Virginia Students' Loan Fund was
established by an act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved March
14, 1908, and amounts each year to one per cent. of the annual appropriation
made by the Legislature for the support of the University. In accordance
with the terms of this act, loans will be made "to needy and deserving students
of talent and character, from Virginia," in amounts not to exceed one
hundred and fifty dollars in any one session to a single student, at an annual
rate of interest of four per cent.

Sarah E. Wright Memorial Loan Fund.—Established in 1915 by a gift of
$750. Loans from this fund are made to deserving students in any department
of the University.