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[From sudden unexpected death]

From sudden unexpected death,
Jesus, Thy servant save,
Nor let me gasp my latest breath
Unconscious of the grave;
Unconscious of the yawning deep
And death eternal nigh;
Ah, do not suffer me to sleep
Till in my sins I die.
Warn'd of the sure-approaching day,
I now Thy grace desire,
In mercy take my sins away,
And then my soul require.
Thy favour and Thine image, Lord,
O may I first retrieve,
And meet for my immense reward
To Thy great glory live.
Wise to foresee my latter end,
With humble, loving fear,
I would continually attend
The welcome messenger,


And summon'd to the mountain-top,
Without a lingering sigh
Render my ransom'd spirit up,
And to Thy glory die.