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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

expand sectionI, II. 

CLXXXI. 2 Kings, Chap. II. from Ver. 1. to Ver. 8.

Elijah divides Jordan.

From His, how diff'rent was Elijah's Fate,
Whom God resolves he'll now to Heav'n translate:
From Gilgal he his Steps for Bethel bends,
Faithful Elisha at his side attends;
Both lov'd of Heav'n, and undivided Friends:
In vain he begs he'd there himself repose,
He presses on, and down to Bethel goes:
A num'rous College of the Prophets there;
To thoughtful Eliseus they repair,
And ask him if he knew that this the Day,
When God his Master wou'd to Heav'n convey?


I knew the weighty Secret long before,
Replies the Saint, and bids 'em speak no more!
To Jericho their Journey they pursue,
Elijah there does his Request renew;
Agen the Son of Shaphat him deny'd,
The same the Prophets warn, and he the same reply'd:
Forward they move to Father-Jordan's Flood,
Far off the Prophet's Sons admiring stood;
When now the rising Waves their Sandals meet,
And crowd each other on to touch their Feet,
Elijah his Prophetic Mantle took,
And lifting high th'obedient Waters strook:
They knew the Signal and their Streams divide,
A wond'rous Path appears from side to side:
Bare on the Sand the gasping Fishes lay,
Their secret Beds reveal'd to conscious Day;
The Friendly Pair securely hastens o're,
And tempt a Path which once was only mark'd before.