University of Virginia Library

Love without Flattery.

Admit, thou Darling of mine Eyes,
I serve some Idol lately fram'd;
That underneath a false disguise,
Our true Loves might the less be fam'd:
Canst thou that know'st my Heart suppose


I fall from Thee to worship Those.
Remember Dear how loth and slow
I was to cast a Look or Smile;
Or on Love, Lines to misbestow,
Till thou hadst chang'd both Face and Stile:
And art thou now affraid to see
That Mask put on thou mad'st for mee.
I cannot call these Childish fears
That come from Love, much less from Thee;
But wash away with frequent Tears
That Counterfeit Apostacie:
And henceforth kneel to ne'r a Shrine,
To blind the World, but only Thine.