University of Virginia Library



[Now must I lerne to lyue at rest]

Now must I lerne to lyue at rest
And weyne me of my wyll,
Ffor I repent where I was prest
My fansy to ffullfyll.
I may no lenger more endure
My wontyd lyf to lede,
But I must lerne to put in vre
The change of womanhede.
I may not se my seruys long
Rewardyd in suche wyse,
Nor I may not sustayne suche wrong
That ye my loue dyspyce.
I may not syghe in sorows depe,
Nor wayle the wante of loue
Nor I may nother cruche nor crepe,
Where hyt dothe not behoue.
But I of force must nedes forsake
My faythe so fondly sett
And frome henceforthe must vndertake
Suche foly to fforgett.
Now must I seke some otherways
My self for to withsaue,
And as I trust by myne assays
Some Remedy to haue.
I aske none other Remedy
To recompence my wrong,
But ones to haue the lyberty
That I haue lakt so long.