University of Virginia Library


Tell me, Effie, while you are sitting,
Cosily beside me here,
Talking all about your brothers,
Which you like the best, my dear.
“Tom is good sometimes,” said Effie,
“Good as any boy can be;
But at other times he does n't
Seem to care a bit for me.
“Half the days he will not help me,
Though the way to school is rough;
Nor assist me with my lessons,
When he knows them well enough.
“But, of course, I love him dearly—
He 's a brother like the rest,


Though I know he 's not the best one;
And I do not love him best.
“Now there 's Charlie, my big brother,
Oh! he 's always just as kind!
All day I may ask him questions,
And he does n't seem to mind.
“He with every lesson helps me,
And he 's sure to take my part;
So I think I ought to love him—
And I do with all my heart.
“But there 's cunning little Neddy—
Well, he 's not so awful good;
But he never seems to mean it
When he answers cross or rude.
“Sometimes, half in fun, he strikes me,
Just, I mean, a little blow;
But he 'd never, never do it
If he thought it hurt, I know.
“Then again he 's nice and pleasant,
Coaxing me and kissing me;
When he wants to ask a favor,
He 's as good as he can be.
“He can't help me with my lessons,
He has hardly learned to spell;
But in everything I help him,
And I like it just as well.
“He is never good as Charlie;
Naughtier oft than Tom, I know;
But for all that I love him,
Just because I love him so!”