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[Thy call to lay this body down]

Thy call to lay this body down,
And venture on a world unknown,
Resign'd I would attend,
With humble thankfulness embrace
My Saviour's kindly warning grace,
And meekly meet my end.
I feel the fatal moment nigh,
And tremble at the point to die
A sinner unforgiven,
Without that Witness of Thy grace,
Without that real holiness
Which qualifies for heaven.
Oft have I for Thy Spirit pray'd.
Ten thousand times invoked His aid,
And found His presence near,


But still unsaved and unrenew'd,
I want the sanctifying God,
The' indwelling Comforter.
That Spirit purchased by Thy death,
Jesus, on me vouchsafe to breathe
Before I hence depart:
Now let Him testify of Thee,
And take, and show Thy blood to me,
And fill my sprinkled heart.
With all my heart I then shall love
My Friend and Harbinger above
Who here unveils His face,
Who waits to catch my parting sigh,
Who bids me get me up and die,
And live in His embrace.