University of Virginia Library



Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?”—Heb. i. 14.

I may not be an Angel quite,
But I may walk with Thee in white
And live like Thee the infinite,
Sweet blessèd life of Love;
With Angel ways and Angel wings
And Angel thoughts and Angel things,
All that thou keepest for Thy kings
To reign with Thee above.
An Angel quite I may not be,
But I may minister like Thee,
Dear Lord, and though in twilight see
Yet something of Thy Face;
With Angel words and Angel deeds
And Angel joys and Angel creeds,
That sow the world with saving seeds
For golden times of Grace.
I may not be an Angel quite,
But I may speak in sin's despite,
And spare no evil appetite
That frets against Thy sway;
With Angel toils and Angel tears
And Angel hopes and Angel fears,
That lead the tired and yearning years
Unto the perfect day.