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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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I love to see a great Man simply great,
With nothing but the Halo of his own
Calm Glory on his Brow to make him known!
What needs the Pomp and Pride of empty State?
The knowing Eye will soon discriminate
Real Worth in whatsoever Guise 'tis shown,
Sublime in Rags or humble on a Throne!
True Greatness still can for itself create
Respect by Life's most common Agencies;
And still its highest Mastery is to
Develop grandly, in each weekday Thought
And Act, the divine Lore with which 'tis fraught,
No Matter what the Means, all, all that lies
Before it, it can turn to uses new:
Trace in Life's vile and trodden Dust the true,
The golden Vein, and work it for the Skies.


For Greatness is not to be more than Man,
But to be Man! And this the meanest can
Become; the noblest Crown is still worn by
The modest Brow of pure Humanity!
The King of Men is he who here below
Is most a Man, and Christ was truliest so,
Then whom to follow ye already know!