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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

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Transparent Love.
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Transparent Love.

Cloris , 'twill be for eithers rest
Timely to know each others Breast:
I'le make the Obscure parts of mine
Cleer as your Charming Beauty shine:
And if you'l deal but so with me,
We soon shall part, or soon agree.


Know then, though you were twice as fair,
If it could be, as now you are;
Or if the Graces of the Mind
With a supportant Beauty shin'd;
Yet if you love me not, you'l see
I value those as you do me.


Though I a thousand times have sworn,
My Passion should transcend your Scorn;
Or that your bright triumphant Eyes
Creates a flame that never dyes;
Yet if to me you prove untrue,
Those Oaths should prove as false to you.


Though I should Love, and you should Hate,
'Twas (I confess) a meer Deceit;
And that my Flames should Deathless prove,
'Twas but to render so your Love.
I brag as, Cowards use to do,
Of Danger, they ne'r run into.


But now my Tenets I have told,
If you should them too rigid hold;
T'attempt the Change would be but vain,
The Conquest not being worth the pain:
With those I'le other Nymphs persue,
Cloris too much to lose Time and You.