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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Est enim celum materiale, rationale, intellectuale & [super] substantiale.

ffour maner heuens wel I fynde
As clercus speken of conyngly,
the quych, qvil it is in my mynde,
declar I wil as lernet haue I.
The first is heuen made of mater
& seuen of þo þer ben I-wys,
As I bifore tolde ȝou her,
but hor names her writen is
In Latyn, wel as ȝe moun se,
but þe Englisch I wil leeue,
lest men presumptuose holden me
to put me firre þen I may preue.