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The Works of Michael Drayton

Edited by J. William Hebel

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[Taking my Penne, with Words to cast my Woe]

Taking my Penne, with Words to cast my Woe,
Duely to count the summe of all my cares,
I finde, my Griefes innumerable growe,
The reck'nings rise to millions of Despaires,
And thus dividing of my fatall Houres,
The paiments of my Love, I read, and crosse,
Substracting, set my Sweets unto my Sowres,
My Joyes arrerage leades me to my losse;
And thus mine Eies a debtor to thine Eye,
Which by Extortion gaineth all their lookes,
My heart hath paid such grievous Usurie,
That all their Wealth lies in thy beauties Bookes,
And all is Thine which hath been due to Me,
And I a Bankrupt, quite undone by Thee.