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[To my latest moment crying]

To my latest moment crying,
Must I cry for grace in vain,
Jesus, save a sinner dying,
O redeem a wretched man!
Wretched I beyond expression,
Longer if my Lord defer,
Finisher of the transgression,
End of sin in me to' appear.
Contrary to Thee by nature,
Shapen in iniquity,
Born Thine enemy and hater,
How shall I Thy kingdom see?
How into Thy presence venture,
Unrenew'd in righteousness?
No unholy thing can enter,
Stand before Thy glorious face.


Yet I in my lost condition
May approach the sinner's Friend,
Still presenting my petition,
Saviour, in the cloud descend:
Make Thy goodness pass before me,
God discover'd from above,
To Thine image here restore me,
Change my nature into love.
Love excludes the selfish passion,
Love destroys the carnal mind;
Love be here my full salvation,
Love for Thee and all mankind:
Let Thine own compassion move Thee
Thy own nature to impart,
Force me now to cry—I love Thee,
Love Thee, Lord, with all my heart.
Thus prepared for my dismission,
Let me for Thy coming stay,
Gliding with a smooth transition
Into everlasting day,
Seal'd by Thy uniting Spirit,
Meet with Thee, O Christ, to live—
Then impute Thy righteous merit,
Then my spotless soul receive.